Being Found

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Alex move back-and-forth between the old VW bug in a bucket full of cleaning solution. She was tearing apart the old car and going through the parts, sorting the ones that could be reused and what was damaged beyond repair.
Crosshairs sat on the other side of the shop, fiddling with his guns and watching Alex distract herself with the car. He could tell there was something bothering, something to do with her recharge. When she came to him the night before, you knew immediately that something wasn't right. He didn't say anything, just let her sleep in his own mode hoping it made her feel better.
Alex threw some parts into the bucket and wiped her fourhead with her arm. She washed the oil and grime off of her arms and hands with the water hose and dried off with a towel. She sighed and flop down into her recliner, grabbing her phone. As the screen lit up Alex saw that she had multiple missed calls and text messages from Mark.
"what the hell?" she whispered as she called him back. It barely got through the first ring when he picked up, sounding panicked.
*Mark, what's wrong?* she asked. *are you ok?*
*I'm fine Alex, but you need to get out of the shop right now!* he exclaimed. Alex sat up in her chair.
*What, why?*
*some guys came here looking for you, and wanted to know about the Corvette to.*
Alex felt her breath come up short, and it felt like her heart had stopped.
*W-what did you tell them?*
*I told them that you were at the race track for today, and that you usually bring the car with you.* Alex let out a shaky breath and put her hand over her heart, just to make sure it was still beating.
* thank you Mark, IOU one.*
*you're welcome, but you need to leave now, I'm not sure how long it's going to take them to realize that you're not there.*
Alex quickly stood up.
*I'll leave now, thanks again for helping me Mark.*
*you're welcome, call me when you know your safe.*
*I will.* she hung up the phone and looked over to crosshairs, who is looking at her with an eye ridged raised.
"we have to go, now!" Was all she said before she ran out of the door into the house.
Alex burst through the front door of the house and left it open, running up the stairs two at a time. When she reached her room she grabbed a backpack out of her closet and start putting stuff she would need inside. Money, clothes, her keys, and a few other things and she was ready to go. She locks the house and ran back to the shop. Crosshairs was already in his all mode when she came in, and she opens the door so he could drive out.
Alex locked everything up as quickly as she could and ran outside to Crosshairs.she hopped into the driver side and put her backpack into the passenger seat. Crosshairs let her have control of his alt and she quickly drove off. Pulling out of the driveway Alex drove in the opposite direction of town.
"are you going to tell me what just happened?" Crosshairs ask once they are driven a good distance from the shop. Alex took a deep breath and explain what Mark had told her.
"it had to be cemetery wind," she said after. "Who else would be looking for you?"
She heard him sigh as they turned and sped up.
"You should have stayed behind, if they catch me it's not going to end well for you."
"if I would have stayed, I would be taken to jail for harboring a transformer."Alex stated with a matter-of-fact tone.
"Besides, I told you I was with you on this Cross, no matter what." He didn't say anything back, but Alex could tell he appreciated her loyalty.they drove well into the night and didn't stop until Crosshairs was sure that they weren't being followed. He parked at the back of an abandoned motel and let Alex sleep,trying for the first time since he met the human to contact the others.
I'm sorry it's so short but I'm working on the next chapter and I promise it will be longer. sometime within the next few chapters the movie will be integrated with the story, I hope you're all as excited as I am. Tell me what you think, I really appreciate comments.
I would love to know what everybody thinks is going to happen in the story, tell me what you think will happen.

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