When Dreams Change

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Alex laid on her side and stared at the wall on the left side of her bed. She had told Crosshairs that she had a headache and that she was going to sleep in the house. He didn't question her decision, and Alex was grateful for that.
As she stared at the wall, she thought about how she felt earlier that day. When Roxie had touched crosshairs, she didn't like it. She had wanted to tell her not to touch him, that he was off-limits. She didn't, but she had wanted to.
Alex realize that she had gotten very attached to crosshairs. They've  spent months together, and even if she hadn't known he was a transformer when she first bought him, she had grown to care for him. Alex knew it was bad that she was attached to cross, especially when there was a possibility that they could be caught.
Cemetery when were still looking for the auto bots, and it was only a matter of time for they found crosshairs. Alex rolled over and pulled the blanketover her head. She rubbed her temples and tried to clear her mind so she can get some sleep.
"Everything will be fine." She whispered and closed her eyes.
She counted cars and ran numbers through her head until she finally drifted off, still worried about what was to come.
                                                         .                   .                 . 
Alex felt as though she was falling. She kept her eyes closed until the feeling stop and she came to a jerking halt. When she opened her eyes all she could say was a blinding whiteness. Her eyes adjusted and she couldn't make out the form of something standing before her.
"where am I?" She groaned.
"You child," said a deep voice. "Have entered the well of sparks." Alex realize that the voice was the same one from her previous dreams.
"Why am I here?" She stared up at the looming figure,but couldn't make out much detail.
"It is time you learn why the war was started, and why you were being dragged through the path." Dragged through the path? Alex wondered what he meant by that statement. She stood up and faced the figure trying to find some sort of face to look at. She shook her head and sighed.
"Why can't I have one normal dream?" The voice chuckled and everything around Alex started to disappear. Slowly the white faded out and was replaced with dark and light grays. To Alex, everything looked like it was made of metal. From the ceiling to the floor, everything either had that dull matt or that reflective shine.
"Where am I now?" Alex asked.
"this is where the final shot was fired, and after this the war had truly begun." Alex noted that the room look much like a boardroom. There was a long table with chairs around it multiple screens throughout the room. A door panel on the other side of the room slid open and in walked a tall bulky transformer. It's body was a dark gray, much like the room and it's eyes were red.
Alex gasped,"Megatron..." She whispered. The door slid open again and this time a friend that you're looking bot walked in.
He was tall and immediately demanded respect when he entered the room. "Optimus prime." Alex said in amazement. It was impossible not to recognize that red and blue flame paint.
The tube out spoke to one another, the bulky one not being very respectful. It started arguing heatedly, and it didn't look like it was going to end very well. Megatron yelled something out and stormed out of the room. Optimistic his head inside. Alex could see the disappointment on his face. He stood up slowly and walked out of the room.
"what does this have to do with the war, I couldn't even understand them." Alex said. Everything faded out again and went back to white.
"This was the final argument had between our Prime and lord Megatron. After this the war had begun."
Alex sighed and stood from her spot on the ground. "That still doesn't explain what I have to do with all of this." She stated.
"The term for now has run out, but soon you will know." The white suddenly faded out into black and Alex felt like she was falling again. Cold air rush passed her head and body, make her feel numb. Her body hit something in all of the air rushed from her lungs, making everything go black.
. . .
Alex open her eyes and shot up in bed, panting hard. As she moved her body ache, and she felt as though she had been hit by a truck. She ground and flat back down into the bed, looking over at the clock on her bedside table.
It read 3:45 AM, meaning that she probably wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Alex slowly got up, going to the kitchen to grab somepainkillers for her headache, and walked outside.
The air was cool garment and Alex took a deep breath, helping her throbbing head. She walked off of the porch down the short path to the shop. She open the door and close that softly, turning on the lights to the lowest setting.
Walking around the shelves, she saw Crosshairs in his spot. Alex went to her recliner and sat, pulling her niece to her chest.she sighed as she gazed at cross, guessing he was asleep since he had no reaction to her entering the building.
Alex didn't know what to do. She never expected something like this to happen at this point in her life. If she was being honest with herself, Alex that she would always be working in the shop, not harboring a wanted alien in her home.
She sighed and stood up, walking over to Cross and pulling open the door. She wasn't sure why it was unlocked, but she didn't say anything. She just climbed into the seat and shut the door behind her. She laid the seat as far back as it would go to curled up on her side.
Alice closed her eyes and shifted. She smiled when she felt the seat heating up underneath her. She wrapped her arms around herself and cuddled into the warmth.
"Goodnight Cross." Alex said as she drifted off.

Hello everyone,i'm finally back to writing and I'm glad to say that I will be able to update more often. I'm already working on the next chapter I can't wait to get it up. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you think.

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