My car is a robot!!!

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If anyone has any questions about the story,please don't hesitate to ask.
Alexandra POV
I sat on my bed,looking at the dog tags in disbelief. My car could be and aliens robot. An illegal alien robot.
I thought back to what happened after the battle of Chicago. All of the robots were wanted by the government and everyone was told to report any strange alien activity. They started offering rewards to the people who could bring them in.
I started thinking about what would happen if I was caught. I could go to jail,or worse. I thought back to the guy who sold me the car. He probably didn't know what the car was,or he would have reported it.
I stood up,putting the dog tags around my neck as I walked out of my room. I practically jumped down the stairs and ran out the door and to the shop,almost tripping twice on the way. When i reached the shop door,I  slowly opened it and peaked inside. Everything that I could see was exactly the way I had left it.
I opened the door and walked through,shutting it quietly behind me. I walked past the cars and tool boxes that surrounded my work area. On the other side stood the corvette,also still in the same place I left it.
Ok,let's do this. I thought. I knew it wouldn't hurt me,well I hoped anyway. If the symbol really meant the same as it used to,then I  should be fine.
I set the keys on the rack and cautiously walked in front of the car. I shuffled on my feet for a moment before I spoke.
"I know you can here me,that you can see me." I took a step forward and put out my hand out,right over the hood.
"I know what you are." I said as I set my hand on the hood. I waited a second for something to happen,but nothing did.
"I guess I was wrong." I said. My hand slowly slipped off the hood as I walked away. I had made it to the middle of the shop when I heard the sound of metal moving against metal. I quickly turned around to see the car changing. The metal was shifting and moving around,forming something else. I gasped as the form finally came together,as I was now standing in front of a giant robot.
"You're a t-transformer!" I squeaked.
Ok,normally I'm pretty tough in dangerous situations,but if a 20 foot tall robot was standing in front of you,with a gun in his hand,you would be just a little offset to.
The robot shifted his stance before he spoke.
"That I am,but what's to ya?" He moved forward a bit,making me take a step back.
I looked up to see a smirk on his metal face. It made me feel a little better for some reason.
"Are you an autobot?" I asked suddenly.
His eyes narrowed and he reached out to grab me,picking me up by the scruff of my shirt.
"How do you know about the autobots?" I could see his gun pointed at my side,making me squeak again.
"My uncle worked for N.E.S.T.,he told me about how you guys saved to world." To prove my point I pulled the dog tags from around my neck and showed him the symbol. He seemed to calm down and put his gun away,setting me on the palm of his hand.
"What's your name?"
I was a little taken aback by the question,but answered anyway.
"My name is Alexandria McCoy," I looked at his bright blue eyes and smiled " but you can call me Alex." He nodded and lowered his hand to the ground,letting me jump off before standing up again. We stared at each other,and from what I could tell,he seemed to be studying me.
"What's your name?" I finally asked,braking the silence. He hesitated for a moment before answering.
"Crosshairs." I smiled again and thought how much it fit him,with the guns and all.
"I've never seen a fleshy not completely freak out at first site of us." He said. I told him about how my uncle used to tell me about the autobots,how they so,e gave up their lives to protect humans. I then asked him what he did as an autobot,and he told me he was a weapon specialist,and a paratrooper. We ended up just asking each other questions all through the night. I don't remember when I fell asleep,but for the first time in weeks,I didn't dream.
FINALLY!!! It took me three days to finish this chapter,and I had to rewrite it twice. I would like to say congratulations to curious247 ,who was the first person to tell me who Madison's father is. She will get to have her own character in a future chapter.
I was thinking that maybe I should give Alex a tattoo. If you guys think do think I should,then in the next chapter,I'll put up some pics of the ones she could get.
Thank you for reading,I love you all.

Crosshairs' mechanicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora