I'm Going In

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Alex could say that she only had a few regrets in her life, and this was definitely one of them. She stood in the middle of the church, everyone's eyes on her. She could feel Crosshairs' burning gaze on the back of her head and did her best to ignore it. She was afraid that this would happen, and she could only hope that they would understand when she explained herself.

"Start talking." Cade said.

He looked angry. He probably was angry. Tessa had a smug look on her face, and Shane just stood there with a blank look, like he wasn't sure what to think. Alex was afraid to look up at the autobots. The looks on the other humans faces made her feel bad enough, she wasn't sure if she could handle a look of disappointment or betrayal on the 'bots faces.

"Look, I'm sorry-" she started, but was interrupted by Tessa.

"You lied to us!" She snapped.

Alex felt anger surge through her.

"I didn't lie!" She snapped back. "I didn't know any more about what was going on at KSI than you did."

The whole argument had started when they were planning on how to infiltrate the building. When Cade gave her the ID badge and explained how she would get in, she finally had to tell everyone why it was a bad idea.

That's when all hell broke loose.

She told them the truth, about how she actually knew Joshua Joyce, was practically sisters with his daughter, and had been inside the KSI before. She knew their reaction wasn't going to be great, but she didn't expect everyone to be like this.

"How do you even know him?" Shane suddenly asked.

Alex sad and pinch the bridge of her nose between her fingers.

"Look, it's a long story that can really wait until all of this is over. " She said.

"How do we know you're not working for him?" Again, Tessa sneered.

Alex just gave her a deadpan look and raised an eyebrow.

"I spent months harboring an illegal and dangerous alien, risking my life, my job, and my freedom to keep him safe. I knew about the autobots before most of the human race did, and kept their secret. I haven't done anything to prove I'm untrustworthy, why should this be any different?"

The two girls glared at each other for a moment before Optimus' voice broke their stare.

"Alexandra is right, she has never disproved her loyalties to us." he said, walking between the group of humans.

"Thank you Optimus." Alex sighed. "Besides, I think I have a better way for me to get in."

She explained that Joyce had offered her a job a few years ago, and while she declined his offer, he promised she was always welcome. Everyone listened as they came up with a plan, but she could tell they were still wary of her. She explained that if they made a copy of her access card,  she could get in no problem and get more information on what they were doing.
Everyone agreed, although with hesitates, and they copied her access card, but now they were presented with another problem.

"If I'm going into KSI, I can't wear this." Alex stated, motioning down to her jeans and hoodie.

She caught Tessa rolling her eyes, making her sneer. She took a deep breath and sighed, calming herself down.

"To be in the main part of the building, you have to follow a dresscode. If I go in, I have to be dressed formally."

The younger girl rolled her eyes again, but moved to look through the box filled with clothes. "Theirs not much in here." she said, then pulled out a black peace of cloth.

Crosshairs' mechanicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora