Working in the shop

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Hello my friends,I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I've been having some health problems,but I feel a lot better now,so I'm here to write. I have decided that I'm not going to write in Crosshairs' POV. I'm might later in the story but not any time soon.

Alex sat on a roller stool,working on a red motorcycle. She had been up since early that morning and couldn't go back to sleep,so she was working on the bike.
It had been a week since the car show and Alex had been having the same dream every night. She hadn't driven the corvette since she brought it home,but she wanted to. Every time she walked past it she gave it a certain look. Sometimes she could swear that the car was starring back at her.
It's just a car.
That's what she would tell herself when she had those thoughts.
When she had come home,after she had put the car away,she had found Madison on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. Five minutes later Alex was in her pjs and they were both watching some late night talk show. After some talking and arguing,Madison convicted Alex to let her cut her hair. It had actually turned out really good,better than they both thought it would have. Alex's hair now came to the middle of her back,the tip going just over her butt. Because it had been so long since it had been cut it wasn't really curly anymore,which she was a little sad about.
She stood up from her stool and grabbed her phone,clicking shuffle and putting it in the speaker. White walls was the first song that came on. She sang along softly as she walked up the stairs to the second level of the shop. Alex's car shop had two floors,the first level where all the cars sat,and the second level where all of the motorcycles and bikes sat. Only half of the building had a second floor,so Alex could see over the first level.
She was looking for a part for the bike she was working on and a tool she had forgotten to grab earlier. She dug around in a few toolboxes before she finally found it.
Alex walked over to the stairs and looked over the first level,her eyes wandering over to the corvette. She looked it over from top to bottom,admiring the sleek paint job. Once her eyes hit the tires,she froze.
What the hell.
On the ground,around the car,were tire tracks. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal,but she hadn't moved the car since she brought it home,and the way the tracks were facing made it look like the car had moved recently.
Alex set down the part and tool and quickly made her way down the stairs. She ran over to the corvette and stopped right in front of it. She gave the ground a closer inspection and noticed the tire marks had,in fact,been made not long ago. She stood up and looked at the car.
To her,it looked normal. It looked like it hadn't been touched.
Alex snorted a laugh. "What,were you trying to escape?" She then realized that she was talking to a car.
I must be going crazy.
She rubbed her temples and walk off to sit in her recliner.
My life is getting weird. She though as she drifted off.
Ok,so she is starting to realize something weird is going on.
Ok so I would like some help with the next chapter. I want to make it the chapter before she meets crosshairs in robot form. I'm still trying to figure out how to make it were they meet. If anyone had any ideas,or questions about the story,plz comment. Thanks for reading and voting and commenting,it really means a lot to me. Tell me what you think.

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