Silver memories

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See bottom for notes.
Alex walked around the small gas station, grabbing food and other stuff she needed. Crosshairs was sitting in front of the store, trying to communicate with the other auto bots. They had been driving for days, and Alex finally had to ask Cross to stop so she could wash up and get something to eat. She brought her backpack with her and washed up in the bathroom, changing clothes.
When she was done she gathered her stuff and went to look for snacks. Alex grab the bags of chips, pop tarts, candy bars and a few  energy drinks for the road. She said everything on the counter and pulled out some cash, waiting on the board looking cashier to ring everything up.
"Thats a nice looking car you've got out their."
Alex looked up to see the cashier smiling at her. "Thanks." She said politely. She paid for her stuff and walk out the crosshairs, getting in on the passenger side. She set her stuff at her feet and ran a hand through her hair. "Sorry it took me so long,I had to wash my hair in the sink." She said.
Cross had been searching through the communicator link when Alex sat down, and when he finally focus his optics on her he was surprised. "You look different." He stated. Alex look down at herself and sighed.
"I thought it would help keep a low profile if I looked different."
Before she had left her home, Alex stop to grab some different clothes than what she would normally wear. She had change into a pair of acid washed ripped skinny jeans and a dark gray tank top. She had a light gray beanie on her head and some fake hipster glasses on her eyes. The look was finished off with some white gauges and a black septum ring. Alex didn't really look like herself now, she looked more like a teenager. With her short height and young face, she was easily unrecognizable.
After a few moments of silence, Alex finally spoke. "It's weird, isn't it?" crosshairs kept quiet and slowly pulled out of the parking lot, getting back into the road. Alex laughed.
"If you don't like it, you can tell me Cross,I'm not going to be mad." She heard him sigh as the car sped up. "I don't like it." He stated. She laughed again and leaned back in the seat. "I'll change back and we get to where were going."
"Good, you look weird with those things on your face."
"There called glasses Cross."
. . .
The next day is when they got a message through Crosshairs' communicator. It was short and broken but the message came through. They needed to go to Nevada. Cross had said the message came from an autobot named Hound.
"How many do you think are left?" Alex asked after had set course on their way to Nevada.
"I'm not sure, there were only three of us when I got separated." He said.
"Who was with you."
Cross told her about hound and bumble bee,and how Optimus was separated with no contact a couple of weeks before he was. Alex said that she had heard of bumblebee, and I handful of other on about the size Optimus Prime. She had already told him about her uncle that work for N.E.S.T and the autobots, but what she didn't tell him was that she had met another transformer before him.
Alex and her dad had went to visit her uncle for Christmas when she noticed his new car. It was a silver Lamborghini sitting in his driveway. At first she thought it was one of his friends cars, maybe Robert or will, but he explained that it came with his new job.
As soon as Alex found out it was his, she asked if she could go for a ride. Her uncle Charlie just laughed and told her to hop in. she was so excited she was practically bouncing when she got to the passenger side. The interior is black leather and look brand-new, like it was constantly being cleaned.
Alex was careful not to touch anything that you sat down, she just sat down and buckle her seatbelt. Her uncle got in on the driver side and laughed again at his nieces excitement. They drove out of the driveway and onto the road, gradually picking up speed as they went.
"how fast can this car go?" She asked. The car revved and her uncle smirked.
"You might want to hang on." he said. Alex instantly grab the seat as the car shop forward. Her body leaned back into the seat and she watched as the speedometer went up. She laughed and delight as the car went up to 100 mph and then continue to speed up. Uncle Charlie turned around it's bed back to the house, making sure to drift into the driveway and in front of the house.
"That was awesome!" Alex exclaimed when she finally caught her breath. "this car is amazing." The car revved loudly and her uncle laughed.
"Yea,he really is." The car revved again and Alex raised an eyebrow. She noticed how he uncle had said 'he',but didn't comment on it.
Later that night Alex realized the had lost her phone. She asked her uncle if she could go check in his car and see if she dropped it.
"Sure," he said. "It should still be unlocked." Alex walked out of the house and to the silver car,opening the passenger side door and getting in. She searched the car and found her phone in the floor board.
She was about to get out and go back into the house when the door slammed shut and locked. Alex looked outside to see if her dad or uncle had shut the door,but she didn't see anybody.
"Alright guys,this isn't funny." She said trying to open the door. "Let me out."
When no one answered and the door didn't open,Alex slumped down in the seat and looked at her phone. She thought about calling her dad,but decided against it. She really didn't want to tell her dad that she had gotten locked a car.
Alex sighed and kicked under the dashboard with her foot. "Rude car." She said. She was surprised when her seat jerked forward and she hit the dash.
"Ow!" She shouted and rubbed her forehead. "That hurt!" She raised her fist to hits the dashboard again when a voice stopped her.
"I'll do it again." Alex froze and looked around for the source of the voice,but it was just her. "Who said that?"
"I did." She turned and look at the radio,were the voice had come from.
"And who is 'I'?" She asked slowly.
"My name is Sideswipe." The radio voice said.
"Sideswipe?" Alex said skeptically. "That's a strange name." The voice chuckled.
"I guess to you it is."
"I'm pretty sure that name is strange to everyone."
"And yours isn't?"
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"I thought Alex was a boy name." Alex huffed and leaned back in her seat defeated. She crossed her arms and checked the locks,hoping that she could get out. Nope,still locked in.
"What are you anyway?" She finally asked,breaking the silence.
"I can't tell you." Sideswipe said. 'Of course you can't' She thought.
"So as far as I'm concerned,you just a random talking car?"
"That's right."
Alex narrowed her eyes and stared at the radio. "Your not supposed to be talking to me,are you?"
"No I am not."
"Then why are you?"
"I thought it would be funny to watch you freak out." Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Do you do stuff  like this all the time?"
"Only sometimes." He answered.
" Well you must be a joy to be around." She said sarcastically. Sideswipe laughed and Alex grinned. They talked for a while longer before her phone went off. It was her dad asking what was taking so long. Sideswipe unlocked the door bid him a good night. She told her dad that her phone had fallen out of her pocket when she had gotten out of the car,and she couldn't find it until he had sent her the message. He believed her and told her to try and keep up with it better.
On her way to her room,Alex caught her uncle Charlie in the hall way. He had a knowing smirk on his face that made her raise an eyebrow.
"What?" She asked. "Nothing." He answered,walking away with the smirk still on his face. "Ok then..." She said going to her room.
It wasn't until later that week that Alex found out what Sideswipe really was. Her uncle Charlie had taken her out on another drive, this time into town to get another gift for his wife. They were coming back from the mall when a green light turned red and he hit the brakes. Alex had her seatbelt on, but she still slid forward and hit the dash. She let out some very mature words as she settled back into her seat. She kicked under the dash as hard as she could as she called the car some very unflattering names.
Alex looked up when she heard uncle Charlie laughing in his seat. "what's so funny?"
"You say that like he can hear you."
"He?" She said with a smirk, raising her brow. Uncle Charlie's eyes widened and he slapped his hand on the steering wheel. "Dammit!" He said. Alex left.
"you suck at keeping secrets." came from the radio.
Uncle Hank explain what sideswipe was and what they did.
Alex smile that the memory of meeting her first transformer.
"what are you smiling at?" she was brought out of her thoughts by Crosshairs' voice.
"Nothing Cross, just thinking."
"Humans are strange."
"Your strange."

I'm so sorry this took so long,I've been busy with school,but I hope you enjoy. I've been thinking of adding another bot to the group when everyone gets together. I bet you can all guess who I'm thinking of adding to. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments. Vote. Enjoy.

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