Nightmare Ship

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I'm back bitches, and I got an extra long chapter for you guys since it's taken me so long to update. I'm going to try to do so more frequently and with longer chapters. Tell me what you guys think in the comments.

Have you ever been in a situation, and have no idea how in the hell you got there. Alex was currently in that kind of situation.

They had been moving quickly down the road, away from KSI, when they were suddenly being shot at. Bumblebee shifted, they were being thrown through the air, and suddenly Optimus and Tessa were being captured and being dragged up into a huge ship by another transformer.

Alex was clinging to Crosshairs' leg, breathing hard. She felt like she was about to collapse, her legs shaking and her stomach churning uncomfortably.

"Who the fuck was that!?" She suddenly asked, staring up at Cross in disbelief.

He didn't look at her, just stared at the spot wear the ship had been.

"Lockdown." He ground out.

Alex closed her eyes and pressed her forehead to the cool metal plating on his leg. Everything went so wrong so fast and she was having a hard time processing it. She thought they they were home free when they made it out of KSI, but then the man-made robot and apparently some bounty hunter came to stop them. Now their leader was gone and Tessa had been taken along with him.

She could only imagine how Cade was feeling right now, and she looked over to see him and Shane yelling at each other. Alex was about to go over and stop them when she heard a deep sigh from Cross.

"We need to go."

That was all he said before he reached down and grabbed her by the waist. He shifted around her, making her land in the passenger seat. She shut her eyes tightly as they shot off, the others not far behind.

"Where are we going now?" Alex questioned. She heard the radio crackle before Crosshairs' gruff voice came through.

"We're following Lockdown's ship." He stated.

"We're going to get them back?"

All the she got in response was a spike in the speed they were moving at.

She looked down at herself and groaned.

"Do you have my bag?" Her dress was ripped in several places and her legs and arms were covered in small cuts. The floorboard shifted and her bag was tossed into her lap.

"Thanks." She mumbled and began pulling clothes out. "Don't look."

She pulled the boots off of her feet, opening the door and throwing them out quickly, pulling the dress over her head and doing the same thing.

"What are you doing?"

Alex squealed and kicked the dashboard. "I told you not to look!" She said. "I'm trying to change."

He went silent again and she resumed her task. She shimmied her shorts up her legs as best she could in her position, then pulled on her hoodie. She reached into her bra and pulled out the flash drive, putting it in her bag for later.

"You can look now." She stated as she pulled on her shoes.

"What was the point of that?"

Alex groaned as she bent her legs in a attempt to tie her hightops.

"Well I can't very well fight giant robots in a dress, now can I?"

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