Part 4:The light in the dark

Start from the beginning

After filling in their mission reports the three of them head their separate ways for now. Orochimaru disappeared into the forest as usual,Jiraiya hit the nearest bar and got comfortable with some woman and Tsunade headed straight for the hospital.

She looks at the number 309 in graved on a steel plate above the door. Slowly the door opens and closes quietly. Tsunade takes a seat next to his bed and takes his hand in hers,smiling.

For the next few weeks Tsunade constantly visits Dan. Every third day she would put new flowers by his bed side. She herself read all the medical progress he's been making.

The small cuts and bruises had already healed. The gaping wound in his chest is healing fast and soon the stitches will be removed. The swelling on his brain is the only thing that is taking its time. But at least he is making progress.

Three months later ...

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune runs to her house as fast as her legs could carry her.

She urgently knocks on the door. After a few minutes there is still no answer so she looks through the window. She's not here. Ah man.

"Lady Tsunade!" At the park.

"Lady Tsunade!" At the market place.

"Lady Tsunade!" At Ichiraku.

I've looked everywhere. The entire Konoha. Where on earth could she be?

Unexpected a familiar voice catches her attention. She rushes around the corner to see Tsunade standing,with a basket around her arm,talking to some villagers.

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune starts to run.

A moment later she stops near Tsunade,bending forward resting her hands on her knees,out of breath.

"Shizune what is it?" Tsunade asks confused.

"It's ... u-ncle Dsn," she stutters out of breath.

Tsunade drops the fruit filled basket and grabs Shizune picking her up. She runs towards the hospital at a speeds that could match a cheetah.

"What happened!?" She bursts through the door.

The nurses and doctor did not react at first. They all stand with shocked expressions on their faces staring at Tsunade.

"What is it!?" Her voice sounds strained.

"He's ... he's," the one nurse struggles.

"He's what!?" Tsunade panics.

"He's awake," the doctor answers calm.

Tsunade stands glued in one place. Her heartbeat nearly triples. Her brain struggles to process the news. A sudden joy triumphs the sorrow she has been carrying around in her heart.

Subconsciously she started walking towards his bed,little,Shizune still on her hip. The doctor said something to her but her hearing tuned out.

She could hear blurred voices and see their lips move but didn't hear a thing. Not one word. Tsunade ploughs forward thought the crowd of people. Until she could see his face.

Instantly his gaze meets with hers. A,warm,smile creeps over his face. Tears like crystals form in her honey brown eyes paired with a smile. Shizune jumps from Tsunade's hip onto the bed.

"Uncle," her black eyes sparkle with joy,"you're awake."

"Indeed I am," he smiles polite.

Tsunade stands at the foot of his bed. Speechless. Tears of joy brim in her eyes as she watches the two of them.

"Tsunade," he smiles warm.

"Oh Dan," she smiles back.

He holds out his hand. Am I dead? Or is this a dream?

Tsunade carefully takes his hand sitting next to him on the bed. His touch is just as warm as his smile. A sudden warmth fills her heart as she gently squeezes his hand.

"Am I dead? Is this heaven?" He asks confused.

"No Dan you are alive," she smiles reassuring.

"What happened? I felt like my soul refused to leave my body," he looks at her.

"You nearly died and slipped into a coma. You've been comatosed for months now," she explains.

"Who saved me?" He asks curious.

"It was Lady Tsunade!" Shizune interrupts excited.

Tsunade saved me? She pulled me from the brink of death? So it was her voice I heard that pulled my soul back into my body.

"Thank you Tsunade," he smiles even brighter.

Her cheeks color,pink,almost instantly,"don't mention it."

"Come on Shizune your uncle needs to rest," Tsunade smiles.

"Good bye uncle," Shizune climbs off the bed.

"I will walk you home," Tsunade takes her hand.

"Walk safely," Dan winks.

"Good night Dan."

"Good night Tsunade."

Tsunade walks,little,Shizune home before heading home herself. For the first time in months she didn't go to bed with lead in her heart.

Peace fills her heart as her mind leaves reality to enter a dream world once more.

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