Chapter 21: Hello Heaven? Hi can I have Jimmy back?

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BANG! I quickly turned to see what was happening. Jimmy fell with a small splash. I ran towards him as the whole world shook. Chunks of sky came crashing down and ripping through the sandy ground as well as the water. Rikkie! A voice yelled, the sound echoing throughout everything. The world shook even more as everything around me started to turn black until I was emersed in darkness.

My eyes opened and immediately were filled with the sight of Billie. His green eyes pierced through my soul and tried to find what could possibly be wrong with me. "Are you okay?" he questioned. I simply nodded, curling further into the warmth his body provided and pulling the blanket further over us. "You sure?" Billie pried, still staring at me.

"Yes. What time is it?" I asked, trying desperately to change the subject.

"It's about 10am, why? Hungry?" he asked, getting up. I shook my head. "Alright then. I'm bored though so let's do something. What can we do on a Saturday?" Billie wondered, stretching.

"Stay on the couch, watch crappy movies and be together?" I suggested, reaching my arms towards him to pull him back onto the couch. It seemed that he had other plans because he took hold of my arms and pulled me up. "Nope! That was for Friday. It's Saturday, babe! We're goin' OUT! So get dressed." He commanded, kissing my cheek and running up to his room. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some clothes from the bag I had under the table. I had basically been living in Billie's living room while his mom and stepdad were away. I got dressed in the bathroom and came out to find Billie, lacing up his Chuck Taylors. He looked up at me and smiled. "Ready?" He asked, hopping up from where he sat. "Well someone's excited to leave the house. But no I'm not ready yet. I just gotta get my shoes on. Can you chill out 'till then?" I asked, smirking.

"Maybe, if you can hurry up and put your damn shoes on!" Billie yelled, picking me up and carrying me to where my shoes were. I screamed and tried to get away but no use. He put my shoes on for me and carried me out the door before I had a chance to say much of anything except "Don't forget my jacket!" which he almost did anyway so my comment was vital for my warmth. He took me to the Clearwater park ( the park where we kissed) and sat me on one of the swings. Billie then plopped himself onto the swing next to me and started to swing. "I bet I can get higher than you!" He yelled as he passed me on his way back up.

"You're so on!" I yelled, starting to swing as well. Later on that night, we went to Mike's for Sweet Children's band practice. Tre and Mike were already in the garage with the door wide open. They only kept it open until practice started. They didn't want anyone, as Tre puts it, "To steal their genius.". As soon as Billie and I were inside, the garage was closed and Mike and Billie started to tune up while Tre just fiddled with his cymbals. I sat on an old couch they'd put in there and waited for them to start up. "Hello Mike's garage, audience of 1!" Billie yelled, making me laugh a little. "OOOOOO!!!!!!! Bill we should start with the song that you wrote for Rikkaroni!" Tre called out, throwing a drumstick at billie's head to get his attention.

"Great idea, Tre! C'mon Lil Bill! Let's play the song!" Mike yelled, picking up Tre's drumstick. Billie blushed and hesitated.

"C'mon Billie I wanna hear the song you wrote for me." I said with a smile.

"...Okay fine. " He finally caved. They played 'Redundant and I listened, liking what I heard.

"So? You like?" Tre asked, looking over at me.

"Yeah, that song was great!" I said enthusiastically, purposefully leaving out the part that I had heard it before.

"Cool." Billie said with a relieved smile. "I was kind of scared you wouldn't like it." he admitted, hiding his face and scratching the back of his neck. After a few hours, I got a call from my brother, Tommy. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey, Rik, you gotta come home." Tom replied urgently.

"Why? What's---"

"Rita's uber pissed and she's gonna track you down and kick your ass if you don't high tail it back here."

"Alright, alright I get the gist. I'll be home soon okay?"

"Yeah, see ya when ya get here. Hurry your ass up." Tom told me, hanging up. I looked over to Billie, Mike and Tre who all looked dissapointed. "Going so soon?" Mike asked.

"I gotta. I'll see you guys monday." I said with a special wink to Billie that meant I'd be going back to his house later. I ran out of the garage and across the street. My house was---CRASH!!! I felt a sharp shooting pain in my side as everything went black and the ground rushed up to meet me.

Billie's Extroadinary Girl (somewhat of a Green Day fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now