Chapter 17: I just want to understand.....

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I heard the gunshot echo throughout the darkness that surrounded me. I frantically looked around until I noticed Jimmy falling from above me. He was falling but not falling. His hair was blowing around like he was falling and things like that but he wasn't moving. He was just floating in the blackness far above me. I could feel myself sinking. A man came up to me at that point, holding a knife. He was at least 26 and he looked menacing. If looks could kill right at that moment, I'd have been dead 3 times over. "Don't worry Rikkie. I'll be coming for you soon enough." He said with a creepy smile just as I felt myself stop breathing. I was then engulfed in the thick darkness I had been sinking into like quicksand and faded to nothing...

I jumped awake, gasping for air. I frantically searched my surroundings and realized i was in my room and it was monday morning. I dared to glance over at the alarm clock. 7:00. I'm fucking late. Fantastic. I jumped out of bed and frantically pulled on clothes. I couldn't stop thinking about that strange dream even as I was running to school. I sat in first period, just thinking. This lead me to what happened to Jimmy. Why did he do that? He never talked about being depressed or anything while we were at St Green.............And that's when it all clicked in my mind. Jimmy was there because he had cut himself too deep. He nearly bleed out. I didn't know why but it was obviously serious enough to make him desperate to die. Whatever it was, I was determined to find out, no matter what it took. I looked around after awhile. The period was almost over so I was 1 period closer to leaving. I started to draw in my sketch book. I drew the water with Jimmy's body by the shore. I didn't draw in all the blood and the gun though. I just drew him peacefully laying there, like he was simply sleeping. I smiled at my work, admiring it for a split second vefore the bell rang. I collected my things and left the room quickly.

Billie's Extroadinary Girl (somewhat of a Green Day fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now