Episode 18

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These days, it seems, everybody wants to know how smart their meat is. Patty Pritchett had just made a nice hamburger, and didn't want to eat it, if it wasn't very smart. She put it on a bun, and then said to it, "If you have an IQ of less than 80, jump off the bun, and start singing."

Since the hamburger didn't jump off the bun, or even attempt to sing, she knew she had a smart hamburger, and so promptly ate it.

But several minutes later, she realized that her hamburger hadn't
gotten rid of its cell phone, before being cooked. From her stomach, she heard it talking to someone: "Having a jacket puts the name and logo of the startup in closer proximity to your heart than a startup hat would. The logo could flash in rhythm with the heart. A rhythmic bond—a fellowship, a closeness—taking hold."

Pat now realized that her hamburger was not only smart, but innovative and would be a good guide for her, as she lived her life. Unfortunately it was digested a few minutes later.

From that point on, Patty Pritchett decided to stop eating meat, so she wouldn't pass up another chance of getting smart advice. She started hanging out with cows and pigs, and never regretted her decision.

Tales of Tiptoe and More - Volume IVOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora