Episode 9

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The political challenges to late-20th-century Goodthink that we are seeing, specifically Glinda Goodthink, who heads the "Hooray for Hippos" political party, have been great.

Other animals have complained how the hippos hog the water holes, and leaving them a mess, requiring quite a cleanup effort afterwards. "I would never vote for a hippo!", exclaimed Zelda Zebra, who went on to tell how her just-washed coat was covered with mud from a frolicking hippo, who splashed mud on everyone nearby.

Glinda Goodthink had tried to change other species' attitudes towards hippos by having Hortense Hippo be their spokescreature. Tho Hortense was elegant and kind, she was hardly delicate, nor precisely the girl-next-door of our own generation, like Hayley Mills.

Giving up on Hortense, Glinda then had hired Professor Harley Hare (known to most as "Prof Harl") to give lectures on how "The Hippo Way of Life" was actually the ideal way to live. But he had a tendency to slip expressions into his speech that were a combination of Esperanto and Pig Latin, which were confusing at first, and then infuriating. Zelda Zebra was once again an outspoken opponent, saying, "I tried to follow what he was saying, but Prof Harl's weird speech aberrations got to be too much at last, and I gave up on ever getting along with hippos."

In spite of this, Zelda actually became good friends with Hortense
Hippo, tho Zelda claimed that this was because Hortense was "more evolved" and that other hippos had to see the error of their ways, before she'd think more highly of them.

It was later learned that Zelda Zebra's stance had been a front, to
keep people from suspecting the secret truth about zebras.

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