Episode 11

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The Mildew Lady was planning on attending a seminar entitled:

WOMEN DREAM: Master the Possibilities "Women Who Dared to Dream: Part Two," 2:30 p.m., Classroom will have lots of pillows to practice dreaming.

She hadn't attended Part One, and so didn't realize that it had been announced then, that attendance for Part Two would be attended while dreaming, not in physical reality.

She entered the room, and no one seemed to be there, yet. She decided to take the time to list the favoring things she liked to dream about: Mildew, mold, pests and more. Still no one seemed to be arriving, and she started to get bored, to the point where she nodded off. Suddenly she was in the same room, but it was filled with a huge crowd of women, talking about how daring it was to dream.

This confused the Mildew Lady, since she had never dreamed on a dare in her life. She decided to start going up to people, saying "I dare you to dream about mildew!". Much to her surprise and delight, everyone she met started dreaming about mildew. It became a trendy thing to do, and soon celebrities were doing it too, which made it even more popular.

The Mildew Lady was initially pleased with this, until she started hearing rumors of people misusing mildew in their dreams, doing things with mildew that she didn't consider natural. She started being accused of being behind-the-times, and conservative. Fortunately, she had a core of followers who shared her beliefs about the proper limitations of mildew.

The next few years are of course well-known for "The Mildew Wars", which fortunately got resolved in the obvious way that everyone already knows about, so there's no need to mention it here.

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