Episode 13

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The Quaker Oats Company decided that it would be good publicity to do a tie-in with the worldwide tiptoe craze. They announced a "Tiptoe Cereal Extravaganza" that would be held in parks around the world, on Saturday. Nancy and Sluggo were of course quite pleased with this development, and made plans to attend the event in their local park.

Students unloaded the cereal boxes, donated by Quaker, on Saturday, building beautifully designed mazes of the different cereals, creating a breathtaking mosaic of cereal boxes. Then the extravaganza began.

The challenge was to tiptoe thru the mazes without stepping on any of the boxes of cereal. It got stressful when they had to tiptoe into the mosaic to fix a gap or replace some of the boxes that did accidentally get stepped on, sometimes spilling cereal into the tiptoe pathways. But overall, it was a quite enjoyable experience.

Nancy and Sluggo joined everyone else afterwards, eating their favorite Quaker cereals, while singing various songs about tiptoeing. It was a day that they would never forget.

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