Episode 12

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Still reeling from a break-up, Emily (Schumer) takes her prudent,
sun-wary mother Linda (Hawn) with her on a vacation originally
intended for a group of slugs, who had planned to visit New York City for the first time. The Slug Family had cancelled their trip, when their oldest daughter, Sally Slug, had come down with Slug Fever. It's well known that Slug Fever is quite contagious, and the idea of a Slug Fever epidemic in New York City made it obvious that they would postpone their trip for another time. They put a listing on Craigslist, selling their travel and hotel reservations at a huge discount.

Emily (Schumer), who had recently broken up with Timmy (of Timmy and Lassie fame) saw the listing, and jumped at the chance to save money. She called up her mother Linda (Hawn) and they went to the airport to begin their vacation.

Something didn't seem right, when they boarded the Slugways Airlines jet. Everything was covered in slime, and all the other passengers were slugs. Being open-minded, and not wanting to appear to be anti-Slug, they pretended that this was totally expected. They sampled a little of the fungus that was served at the on-flight meal, and were surprised that it was rather tasty, tho it might need more spices.

When their plane arrived in New York City, they were surprised to see a tough-looking slug waiting for them, holding a "Slug Family" sign. It took awhile to convince him that they were who he was waiting for, explaining about buying their tickets from the Slug Family. Fortunately they told about Sally Slug having Slug Fever, and when this was mentioned, the tough-looking slug understood the situation. He took them in a slimy limo to the Slug Hilton, which is actually beneath Central Park. It turned out that the tough-looking slug was to be their guide for their entire stay in New York City.

By the end of their vacation, they had decided that being slugs was much better than being humans, and so would be planning to apply for slug citizenship as soon as they could.

Tales of Tiptoe and More - Volume IVOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora