Episode 4

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George Lucas had been approached by Nancy and Sluggo to make a film about tiptoeing in different galaxies. Mr. Lucas had previously failed in an attempt to make a film about how the Hokey Pokey varied on different planets, was still wary about shelling out too much on such a precarious venture.

But Wyre Worm (producer of the TV drama "Slime City") was begging for the tiptoe film to be made, and George was indebted to Wyre for allowing Harrison Ford to leave the "Slime City" series to act in the Star Wars films.

Wyre debuted as a foe of 'Alpha Flight' and Sluggo was another person to whom George owed a favor, for instructing Princess Leila in tiptoe technique for the (unfortunately deleted) tiptoe sequence in "Return of the Jedi".

George realized he had no choice but to make the film. Time would prove that it was one of the wisest decisions he'd ever make.

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