Unit 6: Lessons Learned

Beginne am Anfang

A hatch in the ceiling opened as a microphone was lowered infront of me. Shortly after, I hear her.

'I want a coconut.'

I spoke into the microphone. "'I want...a...coconut'?"


He walked into my room. Going into one of the corners, he spoke to me. "Ready? Same thing. What will you think?"

I said the first thing that came to my mind at that moment. "...The Philosopher's Stone."

"...O-okay." He went to my microphone. "Begin now."

'The Philosopher's Stone.'

'...Why? Why did you start thinking about that?'

'Am I not allowed to?'


Rogue mumbled into her microphone, "The Philosopher's Stone."

He smiled. "Correct. Now, think of something embarassing, but try to hold it back."

"What?!" I felt my face redden. "D-d-does it have to be embarassing?"

"No, but it's motivation."

"I-I-I'm not doing that."

Rogue came on the speaker. "Aww...Why not? I can use it for blackmail!"

"N-no! I'm not doing that!"

I think back to the first grade. 'Ugghhh...I vomitted on the teacher...'

She didn't say anything for a while. "Hmm... Nope! I don't know what you're thinking!"

"Oh, good," I sighed.

"Wait," he said. "You didn't tell me what you were thinking!"

"You don't deserve to know!"

"...Okay, Rogue. Your turn."





"Good. It better be nothing!" she yelled.

"You two are practically naturals at this," said Dad. "Great job, son."

He was about to leave the room.

I spoke up, "Mom hates Allois."

He turned around and looked sadly into my eyes. "...Why? Why is that?"

"Obviously it's because you left without a word. Too bad for Al, though. He looks like you."

"Sorry. Tell him I said 'sorry'."

"Yeah," I said, leaving the room. "Whatever."

Rogue was waiting at the other side. "Hey, hey, Amus! You should get a weapon!"

I looked at a wall of different swords, bows and arrows, guns, slingshots, and more. "What would I pick?"

"What do you like?"

I could work with anything. For me, it's about comfort...and looks. "Maybe a sword or a gun?"

Dad came over. "Wanna forge one?"

"...Can I?"

"Yeah. Design it however you'd like. You can come back tomorrow to pick it up, but after school this time."

Rogue's eyes lit up. "You can forge?! Morphix weapons?!"

"Yes. The gold dust that Amus touched is one of the things I use."

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