Chapter 1: Weirdo

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I'm sitting backstage in the make up chair with my ring attire (the pic at the beginning of the chapter) two hours before Raw goes live listening to the make up artist complain to the hairstylist working on curling my platinum blonde hair and electric blue ends about how her boyfriend is pissing her off. By the way, I'm Alex. I'm 20 and from Kentucky. I have bright green eyes and a killer tan, long blue and blonde hair, i'm 5'1, 124lbs, no tattoo's, and apparently according to the New Day's member BigE Langston a cutie with a booty, and my favorite colors are green, blue, and black. I have been part of the wwe for three months now and i'm loving it. Well most of it anyhow. I've always been a huge wrestling fan. I grew up watching and when I turned 16 I began training in the indy circuit.

I love my fans especially the young ones. I kinda thought I would have made some friends when I got here. Boy did I think wrong. I just don't fit in with the barbie doll female talent here and well the male talent are focused on one thing here and i'm guessing you know what i'm talking about. I like being alone though, I don't have to worry about being let down by anyone.

Anyhow, i'm getting my makeup and hair done and watching quietly as more of the male and female talent arrive and the crew members are rushing backstage to make sure everything is set for RAW. I guess I must have lost myself watching as Goldust and Rtruth walk by and Goldust was once again trying to explain PokemonGo to Rtruth once again I smile to myself listening at the conversation. My eyes scanning around at everyone and I have that weird unsettling feeling that someone is watching you and I just cant seem to shake that feeling. I stop scanning the hall and the hairs on my arm are standing up as I see someone at the other end of the hall with a long red beard, extremely tall man with a sheep mask isn't moving but just standing there looking straight back at me. As we make eye contact he doesn't move or look away but maintains eye contact with me. It's like he doesn't even care that I caught him looking at me.

I snap out of it when I hear a very familiar raspy voice say "how cute, look guys, I think someone has a crush on that freak Eric Rowan" with a cocky laugh. Dean fucking Ambrose and his little pets Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, aka The Shield. I can't stand them! They walk around like they run the wwe and bragging about their stupid titles and how many girls they get. I won't dare say anything to them though, because the Wyatts creep me out, but the Shield... well i've seen what they do to people who cross them and I don't intend to be on their bad sides, especially that lunatic. "Awww how cute! it makes me so happy to see a couple of weirdo's in love" Seth exclaims followed by Roman adding a joke of his own "hey Alex should we be planning a summer wedding anytime soon"?. As they pass Dean looks at me making kissing faces and noises and I let out a low growl. *If I was bigger i'd show them weirdo* I think to myself.

As they finally walk out of ear shot and my anger subsides I remember being distracted and freaked out from Eric creepily looking at me. I quickly look back over where I had seen him previously standing and he was gone. I sit confused trying to figure out in my head as to where he went and more importantly why was he watching me. I felt relieved he had gone, but felt concerned for my safety by his actions and the fact that I don't know where he had gone or where he is now.

I feel a pat on my shoulder and hear "all done sweety" from the two women that were working on me. I smile at them and slide out of their chair to make my way to the women's locker room but not before hearing one of the women say "nice talking to you weirdo" with a giggle. I guess she didn't realize I could hear her until I shoot her what JBL loves to call my death glare in her direction. I smirk at the fact she went from looking full of herself to nervously organizing her stuff avoiding eye contact with me. I begin walking again and think to myself *I love making snobby bitches uneasy*.

I ended up taking a detour to catering since I haven't eaten yet today. Walking in not taking the time to look to see if any superstars were in here as well. I grab a bowl of fruit off one of the tables and make my way over to a empty table I saw as I walked in. Sitting down I pull out my cell phone and started reading a book that was downloaded and began eating. My phone was running horribly slow so I looked around in catering at the other superstars eating and talking not even noticing that I came in. I saw the bella twins and john cena along with the sheamus at one table, cm punk and ryback with aj lee are sitting at another table, and the occasional referee coming in for a quick snack. Then I start feeling strange. It is the same creepy feeling of being watched that I felt earlier with Eric Rowan. I look around to see if Eric was in here as well. I didn't see him, but I did see Luke Harper in a dark corner just looking at me. Just like Eric, Luke didn't look away when I busted him looking at me. I glance around out of the corner of my eyes to see that the only door in the room is right next to him. He mouthed to word "obey". I felt my eyes go wide and my heart pounding harder and faster, my palms began to sweat. I panic and began finally reading my book trying to avoid making eye contact. I must have really been engulfed in my book because I could hear the pyro going off signaling the show was starting. I nervously lift my head to see if he was still there. I let out a relieved sigh as he was no longer there. I make the short walk to the womens locker room and as I walked I was thinking *what the hell is with these guys today. why do they all of a sudden have a interest in me*.

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