Chapter 18: Out Now

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 I had just came back to the hotel exhausted after a night of hanging out and having fun with Roman, Beth, and Seth. Honestly I ended up coming back so early because Dean had showed up. I could feel the awkward tension from the little amount of time I was around him. Since we had Smackdown tomorrow and I was the only one here I decided to turn in early.

  I was awoken later by the sound of the door closing and locking. Assuming it was Beth I didn't see need to call out to her. Besides the only ones with a key to our room were The Shield and Beth. I close my eyes to try and go back to sleep, but I felt a dip in my bed followed by the motion of someone lying down next to me with their arm draped over me. *Oh my god, he can't be serious right now. Ugh your such a ass Dean* I silently say in my head. I feel the strong arm wrap around my waist and pulled me closer tightening his grip. I try pushing his arm off of me, but the grip got tighter everytime I tried to move his arm. In a aggravated tone  I say "Out Now Dean" with a huff. No matter how much I struggle I couldn't get free. "Oh my god, leave me alone"! I say getting frustrated. "I can't do that Abigail" a voice responds. 

 I begin fighting even harder now to get free. I begin screaming loud as I can hoping that someone would hear me and run in to help me. He covers my mouth with his hand. He was holding my mouth so tight that I was sure he would leave a bruise or possibly making a tooth fall out. I was crying and clawing him. With his arm still in a death grip around my waist he violently leaps off the bed and pressing me against the wall. I could still feel his hand on my mouth. He leans in pressing his body weight on me to keep me in place and says "Oh Abigail, sweet innocent little lamb" while running his fingers through my hair. I squint my eyes and trying to turn my head so I wouldn't have to look into his dark eyes. He smiles at me. "You know and I know where you belong. I said you would be with us soon enough Abigail" he laughs. Tears are now falling from my eyes and I'm shaking from fear. "Don't be afraid sister, I will protect you little lamb" he whispers. Leaning closer he kisses my forehead. This made me cry harder and I once again try to get out of his grip. I slide almost getting out of his grip, but he slams me against the wall once more with a loud thud and knocking over a glass vase and a picture that was near us. "Obey Abigail, Obey"!!!!!!! he yells. I was feeling like this was it for me. He did exactly as he said he was going to do, he got me. Out of breath and energy I considered just giving into him. He's won damn it. Just then he stops screaming once we heard a knock on the door. 

 I remember just hoping it was someone there to help me, praying that it wasn't Luke and Erick on the other side of the door. I hear a familiar voice from the other side of the door ask "Alex, are you okay in there"?. Oh thank you god is all I said to myself. "Alex! Alex this isn't funny, answer me"!!!! he screams in a worried tone. I finally find more energy and I kick Bray in the balls causing him to let out a groan from pain and release my mouth. "Roman help me!!!!! Bray is in here"!!!!!!!! I scream loud as I can. I hear something banging with extreme force against the door over and over again. I try to run to the door to open it now that I'm free. As I begin to talk passed Bray laying on the floor he grabs my ankle causing me to trip. I crash to the ground with a loud thump. Roman busted down the door and came running in. He grabbed Bray by the hair pulling him up and throws him across the room. Roman then turns to me squatting next me checking on me. I told him I was and when he turned back around ready to finish Bray off his was no longer to be found. Roman walks around the room with his guard up in case Bray is hiding in the room. Once he made sure it was clear he returned back to me. He cuddles me into his arms as he sits down next to me trying to comfort me out of the breakdown I was having. I buried my face into his chest and began crying hysterically.

 I told him everything that had happened before he got there. I keep having to pause while telling him to calm myself down before I ended up having another anxiety attack. I could see rage in his eyes and his face was turning red with anger the more I told him. He turned to me and said "Do not tell Dean about this". I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and ask "Why"?. "Because if you tell him he is going to hunt Bray down and I'm not positive that once he began to torture him he wouldn't be able to stop" he explains. He seemed very serious about this. It wouldn't matter anyhow, Dean and I aren't really on good terms. "I mean it Alex, please don't" he says in a serious tone. Just to make him feel better I agreed to not tell Dean.

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