Chapter 14: I don't do heights

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 I was having a horrible nightmare before being awoken by Seth. I was dreaming The Wyatt's got me. They had attacked The Shield and stole me. Bray kept saying "you will obey me, because I promise you IF you do then every person you have ever loved or cared about will be tortured inhumanly until their last breath and they WILL despise you more and more until their last breath. And you my dear sister will be forced to watch and they will know your the reason they are dying. Do you understand me Sister Abigail? I believe a young woman named Beth was your childhood friend" he laughs stroking his beard "Hmmm yes, I think she would a perfect first victim" he laughs as I silently cry. "I understand" was the last thing I remember from the dream.

 Seth comes over to my bed and attacks me with his pillow "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP"!!!!!! he screams in between laughter. I groan "Fuck off Barbie". "Hello no, we got a full day of fun planned" he says throwing his pillow on me. "Now get both your asses up and get ready" he says walking out.

 *Both*???? I question my confused self until I felt movement in the bed and a heavy arm wrapped around me. I look over my shoulder and laying next to me was Dean. I must have forgotten I asked him to stay with me until I fell asleep after that fucked up shit yesterday. I move his arm off me and get out of bed to go shower. I look over again at him and he has a smile on his face while he slept. *AWWWWWW he looks so cute when he sleeps. Did I really just say that about the lunatic fringe. Fuck what has gotten into me* I think while shaking the thoughts from my head and go into the bathroom with my fresh clothing and make up.

After I finished doing my make up and hair I grab some coffee and join the guys outside to chill and smoke. I see Dean when I walk out and begin to blush. To my surprise he blushes as well. I sit down and Dean sends me a wink and I'm smiling ear to ear. "Nice of you to join us" Seth says poking fun at me. I flip him off in response and he begins acting like I broke his heart and he was dying. We all began to laugh at him. "Alright Seth you got us all out of bed on our day off, now what is this so called full day of fun" Dean ask's Seth. "I should beat your ass right now for waking us up" Roman says as he stretches. "There is a carnival in this town and we as well as a few other superstars are going to it" Seth says excitedly. Dean and Roman groan rolled their eyes. "Can't we just go back to sleep dude"? Dean complains. "Oh come on guys, when was the last time any of us went to a carnival and ride the rides and eat the carnival food" Seth pleads. I was interested. "Fuck yes, who all is coming"? I exclaim making Dean smirk. "That is why she is a thousand times cooler than you two" he laughs. "Lets see....Paige, Natalya, Rtruth, Ziggler,  Uso brothers, Naomi, New Day, and Cesaro" Seth lists off the superstars going. Dean see's how excited I was getting the more Seth talked about it. He looks at Roman and he shrugs his shoulders and nods. "Alright we'll go" Dean says in his smartass overreacting voice and smiles at me. "YAY"!!!! I clap excitedly as I jolt up to my feet.

 We finally show up. I hop out of the car acting like a kid getting all excited. Hey I've been through a lot over the past few weeks and I deserve a night of fun. I start walking ahead of the guys until Dean grabs my elbow "Hey, don't run off princess". I stop walking and face Dean "Come on, this is a crowded and colorful fun place, I'm sure Bray and his little clan aren't going to show up here" I say to him. "Maybe not, but it is crowded and your tiny, don't want to lose you in here okay" Dean says firmly. I nod and smile. I was not going to argue tonight. 

 We buy some tickets and walk in to see our friends and coworkers. I walk straight up to Natalya, Paige, and Naomi giving them hugs and smiling. Then I hear "See now that is the power of positivity"!! I turn and laugh at The New Day as they start dancing. Roman walks up to his cousins The Uso's and greets them with pats on the back and a hug as Seth does the same with Ziggler, Cesaro, and R Truth. Dean kinda strayed to the side watching me. He isn't really a people person, but he did play nice shaking everyone's hands and hugging the girls with a fake smile.  

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