Chaper 10: Get that little bitch

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I stayed in my room all day and night Saturday. I was so hurt after finding out the truth Friday night. I was so embarrassed at the fact that The Shield knew about this bet Sheamus made. I shut down. Beth tried to reach out to me over and over and over to check on me and even banged on my door different times throughout the day. I couldn't face her, I couldn't face anyone. I am so supposed to be this strong woman, but I was wrong. I'm weak, weak weak weak!. I did text her back before we boarded the plane to let her know I was alive and that I loved her so much and was sorry for shutting down. She let me know she understood and that she gave Seth a shiner and ended up being kicked out of the club for breaking Sheamus's nose and ripping out Eva Marie's extensions.. Apparently she caught them in the same position I did and she snapped. She also told me to find Roman at the airport. 

 I get through security and see Roman standing alongside of Seth and Dean. Seth had turned his face towards me and you could tell it was Beth that got a hold of him. Trust me after you have seen the aftermath of Beth you always know who has had their ass handed to them by her. Damn that eye though, you could barely tell it was an eye anymore. Seth turns to Dean, who couldn't even look me in the eye. Apparently I've became a pitiful charity case of the WWE, great. I really dread having to sit an entire plane ride with this asshole. Just then Roman comes up to me and trades my ticket with Seth's. I look at him confused. "Your sitting with me, we need to talk cupcake" he say's. I don't verbally respond, instead I resorted back to the old me. The me that didn't talk to anyone except for Beth and to tell you the I didn't want sit with any of The Shield. I guess if I have to though I'd rather sit with Roman.

 We boarded the plane and as I walked by Dean and Seth my head was held low. Dean looked away from me out his window, Seth however took me by surprise. He stood up and faced me "Alex, I'm...I'm so sorry I didn't say anything sooner" he says with regret and shame in his voice. *No, no Alex this is a trick. They want you to trust them so they can hurt you even more* I thought to myself trying not to scream. I nodded and moved on to my seat. I got my book out, stood on the seats to put my bag in the overhead compartment. I sat down and buckled my seat belt and put my earphones in and opened my book. Ten minutes after take off I had fallen asleep. I had awoken and Roman was a few rows back talking to Dean and Seth. I pulled my earphones out and could overhear them.

 "So she forgave you before or after giving you the black eye"? Roman asked Seth.

 "After. When I told her the reason why the hounds of justice hadn't dished out justice yet she felt bad I guess.. Next time something is going on with two strong chicks lets tell them, Beth has a hell of a right hook" Seth had said.

 "Your just a pussy that can't take a punch" I heard Dean saying.

 "Hey I didn't see you growing any balls to tell her. I thought for sure you two were finally becoming friends Ambrose" Roman had said.

 "Okay first off I planned on telling her that night, but when I saw her walk in with Sheamus I didn't see the point so I got shitfaced okay. Second they left before my drunk ass could tell her to stay away from him" Dean said defending himself to his brothers.

 "Yea yea" Seth said annoyed. "So have you told her yet Roman"? Seth had asked.

 "Not yet" He said.

 "Well why the fuck not? Get your samoan ass up there so things can go back to normal already" Dean said.

"The fuck is up your ass? You actually got laid this weekend and we didn't" Seth said to him.

 "Yea yea, but I still want this all behind us okay" Dean said. I knew he was going to fuck Summer that night.

 "Dude have a heart. She fell asleep, she went through a lot this weekend okay. I'll find someway to tell her when she wakes up" Roman says.

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