Chapter 24: That match starts now

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After saying goodbye to my brothers yesterday I told Beth about the incident with the big guy at the meet and greet and even she was as confused as I was about what he meant by seeing me soon and who the hell he was. "If he's smart he will stay the fuck away from you" Beth said cracking her neck. 

"What if...." I started to say before she cut me off.

"I know what your thinking and I'm almost positive your wrong, if he was with The Wyatts then Steph and Hunter would have told you" she said trying to reassure me. "It was probably some weird ass fan, I don't think you have anything to worry about tonight" she added as we pulled up to the arena for RAW.  "I really hope your right" I said as we got out of our rental car. "When am I not" she said earning a giggle from me. We started walking towards the building and noticed a line of fans at the back entrance and they noticed us as well and began chanting our names. We laughed and gave hugs and autographs and took selfies with a few fans until I noticed a fan who gave me the all too familiar creeps. I looked up and there is the same guy from yesterday wearing the exact same clothes with his hood over his face again. I froze for a moment and nudged Beth.

"That's him"! I whisper screamed as she leaned in. She knew what I meant and noticed him right away by the description I had given her. He noticed not only did he catch my attention but her's as well and slowly started backing away.

Beth being the blunt and not easily scared woman she is made sure to let him know she saw him. "That's right walk away STALKER BOY" she screamed as he continued to walk away with all the fans and security looking in his direction. She turns to face me and with a smile say's "see, nothing to worry about". 

Were midway through the show and I'm having a match against Nikki Bella. I was able to actually focus on this match with The Shield at ringside making sure the crazed fan doesn't hop the barricade and puts me in danger. Were killing the match and the fans were going crazy. Until the lights go out during my match and when they came back on there sat Bray and his followers in front of the ring. Bray is slowly rocking in his rocking chair and begins laughing into the mic. Nikki had already made it out of the ring and through the crowd. The Shield rushed into the ring standing in front of me with their guard up. 

"Why are you out here Bray" I hear Seth scream.

Bray brings the mic to his lips "What am I doing out here you ask" he repeated Seth as he laughed. Bray stands slowly walking closer to the ring with Rowan and Harper following. He looks straight at me with a demonic look in his eyes that made my heart thump faster and faster in fear. He says into his mic "I am here to claim whats mine, Abigail its time to stop playing with stray puppies. Now be a good little girl and come home". I gripped Deans arm as I began shaking and breathing hard.

"You just signed your own death wish you farm animal loving son's of bitches" Dean screams as the guys went to get out of the ring but stop midway when they heard familiar music hit.

Stephanie, Hunter, Kane, and Randy Orton come out and stand at the top of the ramp as the crowd boo's them. I stand there still taking in everything happening. None of this was supposed to happen tonight.

Hunter began speaking in his mic "This has to stop now". I begin feeling relief as they were on my side here. "And the only way I can see it stopping is if The Shield and The Wyatts have a 6 man tag match" he explained. Dean was pacing the ring now. "You take whatever it is that is going on into the ring and end this" Hunter added. Looking at The Wyatts and then The Authority Roman say's "were game" with Seth and Dean nodding.

"Good, however Alex.." Stephanie say' "Since a lot of this is about you you are to be at ringside during the match to see how your issues are affecting others" she announced. Bray looked over his shoulder with an evil grin and winks at me. Dean is livid now. "I hope your ready, because that match starts now" Stephanie say's as a ref makes his way into the ring with The Wyatts following behind him.

I'm still standing frozen with not only fear, but guilt as well. Guilt that they have to go through this just because I agreed to this story line. A lump in my throat forms as I try to hold off a panic attack and tears. "Alex look at me" I hear Dean say as I snap out of my thoughts. I look him into his baby blue eyes. "Nothing is going to happen, I won't let anything happen to you" Dean says with concern in his voice. I nod and climb out of the ring as the match begins.

 Roman was dominating as he and Harper start the match off though. I stand there paranoid and afraid. I begin to pace and stop when I notice Bray's eyes were following me. Had he even taken them off me this whole time?. Harper landed a big boot to Romans face. Roman crawls to our corner making a tag to Dean. Bray smiles and yells at Harper to come here. He whispers something into Harpers ear then does the same with Rowan and tags himself in. Dean wasn't holding back. He was throwing his hardest moves at Bray, but Bray just wouldn't stay down. I was so invested in this match that I didn't see Harper and Rowan coming from each side outside the ring knocking both Seth and Roman crashing to the ground with a thud. I back up to the barricade when I see Seth is being thrown into the steel steps of the ring by Rowan and Harper has Roman and is banging his head over and over and over again on the announce table. Dean tries to dive between the ropes to help Roman, however Harper move to the side leaving Roman to take the full hit and both men were down.

 Bray is pacing the ring and screams "Get her in here, get her in here now"!!!!!!!!!. I go to run only to be stopped by Harper catching me by the back of my neck leading me to the ring as if I were a dog and throws me in so hard I almost land on Bray's feet. I look up and Bray laughs. "Ready to come home"? he ask's me. I don't say anything and instead I spat in his face. He begins to wipe it off and looks at me with a crazed look. "You shouldn't have done that" he says before pulling me up and into him setting me up for Sister Abigail. I'm freaking out, no matter how much I wiggled and squirmed I couldn't get out of his grip. He kissed my forehead and just in time Dean runs back into the ring tackling Bray. He manages to escape Dean who is now joined by myself, Seth, and Roman as The Wyatt Family scramble their way to the top of the ramp. Dean turns to check on me and I don't know why I even did this, but I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down and kiss him...a few times. Along with myself and Dean being shocked at my actions Seth and Romans mouth's drop and the crowd is loudly cheering as he wraps his arms around my waist. It just felt so right ya know. I have never kissed anyone like that or feel such passion in a kiss and I almost didn't want to stop. We let go and both were blushing.

 We make our way to the locker room and it was silent the whole way. I wonder if he felt what I had felt. Was he into it or was he just making the story line believable. These thoughts flooded my head. Finally he turns around and in a monotone voice said "don't forget we have to start sharing a hotel room and a car tonight, I'll meet you in 10 at the parking lot" and he continues walking leaving me to even more confusing thoughts. *What the fuck* I thought to myself and went to gather my things. Dean was already sitting his car ready to go. I put my bags in the trunk and we made the silent drive back to the hotel.

 We get there and Dean says to get the keys while he parks. I got out and grabbed my bags assuming he would leave them there. I ask for the room keys and front desk said I was lucky, that's the only room they had left that night. We made it to our room and upon entering I discover there is only one king size bed and no couch like the other hotels that we stayed at recently. Dropping our bags Dean volunteers to sleep on the floor. "It's a king size Dean, I think we would both fit without even touching okay" I said to him. "Good, why would I wanna touch you"? he said while putting on his ball shorts for bed. *Fuck, here we go again. At least now I know he was just selling the kiss we had in the ring* I think to myself as I turn off the lights and get in on my side of the bed. Facing the window I spent most of the night watching the traffic drive by and looking at the stars as I slowly drift into sleep.

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