Still chatting with u

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The next morning,Jeno asking about Lami to Jisung. Jisung thinks that Jeno likes Lami.

Jeno: Jisung Park !

Jisung: Jeno Lee ! What's up??

Jeno: Yeah im fine. May i ask u something ???

Jisung: Yeah. What is the question??

Jeno: The question is.....

Jisung: What is the question ?? Faster

Jeno: The question is "Where do Lami live ??"

Jisung: Why should u ask me ?? U can ask Lami by urself right !!!

Jeno: Yeah,but im a little scared and shy to ask her.

Jisung: Why??

Jeno: coz can u see im a new student and i just know her for the first day of school.

Jisung: I know that ur a new student,but u can ask Hani about it.

Jeno: Im not really close to Hani coz she is also really close to Lami. Can u see it??

Jisung: Ok, the lesson is all most start just talk about it later.

Jeno: Ok

After Jeno go home from school. Jeno directtly check his phone and start to chat again with Lami.

Jeno: Hai Lami !!

Lami: Hai Jeno !!!

Jeno: "Where do u live ??"

Lami: "Somewhere near the school?"

Jeno: Ohhh.....

Lami: There is another question for me ????

Jeno: no.Thanks.

That day Jeno was really happy that he knows where Lami live.

In the night he start another conversastion with Lami again.

Jeno: Hai Lami...

Lami: Hai!

Jeno: "Wat are u doing right now?"

Lami: um i'm studying. How about u?

Jeno: studying

Lami: oh ok.

Jeno: bye 💖💖💖

Lami: um... "why are u sending hearts?"

Jeno: ups sorry😅

Lami: ok its ok. Bye

That night Jeno is really shy because of he sending hearts to Lami.

Love u forever ♡♡♡ | Jeno LeeWhere stories live. Discover now