The first meeting

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Jeno moves school because his father is a teacher and his father wants to find a new work and a new place.

Jeno come to school really early and he meet his first  friend which is Jisung.They make an introduction.

Jisung: Hai my name is Park Jisung.

Jeno: Hai my name is Lee Jeno and I am a new student here.

Jisung: Welcome to this school.

Jeno: Thanks for welcoming me.

Jisung: Ur welcome. Later when break time i'll show the whole school to u coz ur new.

Jeno: ok thanks.

The next is Lami.When Lami comes in Jeno look at her.They were not making an introduction coz Jeno is shy because he is a new student and meet the first girl from that class.

After Lami is her best friend, Hani she is not shy to meet Jeno coz she is so brave.So she get near to Jeno and make an introduction.

Hani: Hai, are u a new student??

Jeno: Yeah!!!

Hani: Welcome.

Jeno: Yeah thanks.

Hani: Ur welcome.

After all the students were coming already only some of the students make an introduction with Jeno.

When the teacher comes.The teacher ask Jeno to stand in the front of the class to make an introduction coz some of them do not make an introduction with Jeno like Lami.

So Jeno come to the front of the class and start his introduction.Some students already knows his name,but some of them do not know.

When the teacher choose who will become the class capten and the teacher chooses Jaemin. Jaemin is so happy because he is the capten and the teacher ask him to make a class group when break time.

When the bell rings everyone go out from the  class.

Jeno is going out with Jisung,but Jisung say he can't go with Jeno.

So Jeno just stay at the class with Lami coz Lami can't go outside.

When Jaemin go to the class and ask for their number phone and account.

Put them in the class group.


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