Chapter 17

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Hey guys! Sorry I have been gone for so long! I have these big projects coming up and state tests(PSSA's) so I am going to update now before I will have no time at all. I also have to plan out this project for social studies. I got the assignment I chose so I'm happy. I have been having a bit of writer's block lately so I am sorry for slow updates. Also, again, if u have any ideas for videos, I am open to suggestions. We are starting a YouTube channel. Try not to Laugh, Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, What's in my Mouth(hehehe loved that one). Please comment down below or Private Message. The song does not belong to me. Don't play it yet. I will tell you when. Anyway, on with the story.


(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to a snout pushing my tail. I opened my eyes and I say big, bright green eyes. "*yawn*Good morning, Toothless. Where's Hiccup?" I asked the cat-like dragon.

"He left to go make more weaponry. Why?" He asked.

"Today is the day we get to bug Hiccup. Remember? Come on! Let's go!" I ushered the big dragon out the door and we flew to find Hiccup. We found him by the clubhouse. He was humming a happy tune. Aw, he is so happy. Too bad he isn't going to be for much longer. We are going to bug him so much. Toothless and I walk over to him.

"Hi (Y/N). What are you up to?" Hiccup asked with a smile.

"I was wondering if you could make me my own special bow, quiver, and arrows. I need to protect myself if I can't shift in time. Plz?!" I asked. I gave him the best impression of Toothless eyes I could.

"Alright. You guys go do whatever it was you were going to do today."

"Oh, but we are. We were supposed to bug you today, remember? But, I am serious about the bow and arrow."

"Ughhh. I'm prepared. Do your worst."

"Hmmm. I don't know what to do first. What do you think we should do, Toothless?" I asked the overly-excited dragon. He stopped hopping around and looked at me. I awaited an answer as he thought of what to do.

"How about we sing all kinds of annoying songs? Got any in mind?" He asked anxiously.

"Actually, I do. How about 'What Does the Fox Say?'"


*play the song*

*time skip to after the song*(i am to lazy to write the lyrics. it's HOT here)

"Alright, alright. Could you please bug me later? I have to get to work on the bow for you." Hiccup pleaded. Aww. He's so cute when he begs. 

"Okay. Come on, Toothless. Let's go play Hide and Seek again." I gave Hiccup a quick peck on the lips and left with Toothless.


Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter is super short. I was sick today and super tired. I still need videos suggestions! I hope you all enjoyed! I love you all! Goodbye Snugglers!

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