Chapter 5

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Hey guys! It is finally the weekend and I have time to do stuff. Unfortunately tomorrow, I have to put in a new floor in my bedroom and I will be busy. I am at home with my sister and will be happy to update this chapter. Also, thank you for all the views! I didn't think people would actually read my stuff because I am bad at writing seeing as my sister was so criticizey. If we can get to 70 views, I will do a Q & A. Thank you so much and enjoy!


(Y/N)'s POV

Just then, Hiccup came outside. "What's with all the- GUSTAV?! First, what are you doing here? And second, GET OFF OF HER!" he yelled. 'Wow, he is so handsome even when he is mad. Snap out of it (Y/N), he could never like someone like me.....different.' "You said when I was ready I could be a dragon rider. So, here I am!" the kid said. "GET OFF ME GUSTAV!" I yelled at him. He got off and in the process stepped on my shoulder. "Thank you, and OWW!" I screamed while in pain. "So (Y/N), wou-" he started but I cut him off.

"I'll do it!" I screamed determined.

"How did you-" Once again I cut him off. 

"Stormfly told me. Anyway, Gustav, let's go!" I yelled at him. He followed caustiously while whispering to his dragon. Lucky for me, I have excellent hearing.

*time skip to dome brought to you by juicy fruit*(not really)

I was training Gustav when he kept complaining that he wanted to go faster. I tried telling him no but instead, he did what he does to Hookfang. He tried kicking my side but kicked my shoulder instead. I yelped in pain, then we crashed on the ground. "Stick to the training Gustav!" I yelled. "Sorry. It's not my fault you don't fly fast." Oh ho, now I'm mad.

"It's not my fault you don't do what your told! Now I'm gonna fly slower because I want you to be bored and because I'M IN PAIN!"

"What? Did you get shot of something?"

"Yes! That's exactly what happened. I got shot with an arrow in the shoulder! Now get on my back and no kicking me! DO I MAKE MYSELF ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT CLEAR?!"

"Yes mam."

We finished training without major incident. I flew back to the hut. I was exhausted and in pain. I was surprised that Astrid was still there but happy to see Stormfly. "Hey, how was training the world's worst dragon trainer?" I chuckled at her comment. "The worst thing ever! Please tell me I don't have to do it again?"

"I can't. It's up to Hiccup."

"Oh no. This isn't gonna turn out good."

Astrid and Stormfly left so I have nothing else to do. I decided to go for a little flight. I ended up racing them and Snotlout and Hookfang and disappeared on them. Then I went back to the hut. It was late so I wasn't surprised to see Toothless curled up in the corner asleep. I was surprised to see Hiccup awake. "Hey Hiccup, why are you still up?" I asked.

"(Y/N)! Where were you?!" He exclaimed. Unfortunately, he woke up Toothless. "Yeah. What happened?" The sleepy night fury said.

"Calm down you two. I just went for a flight and ended up racing Astrid, Stormfly, Hookfang, and Snotlout."

"Can you notify me the next time, please?"

"Fine." I assured him. "Yeah. You should have seen Hiccup earlier. He was pacing around. He was so worried!" He said while laughing. "Oh, was he now? Hehehe." I told Toothless. "What are you planning?" he asked sounding suspicious. "A way to stay out of training Gustav." I walked over to Hiccup putting my plan into action. "How come you were worried about me? You just met me. I'm just a person. I'm no one special." 

"What makes you think I was worried?"

"You yelled at me when I got here asking me where I was and Toothless told me."

"Fine. I was worried, but your an amazing person. You can do something none of us can. And you are kind hearted. You are more than special. I-"


Mwa ha ha! Cliffhanger! Anyway, thank you for reading! Also, you can message me about questions you would like to know about me in chat or in public conversation. Thank you and goodbye!

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