Chapter 3

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 Hey guys! I'm back and it is the one weekend I am available. I've been moving and working and it is hard to update with all that. I'm sorry for being away for soooooooooo long. PLEASE DON'T BE MAD      :'(   But yeah. I'm back hope u enjoy!


Hiccup's POV

I think she meant to have a little fun with me on the last one by shooting fire at me. She passed by shifting into every dragon I was talking about. She sure knew her stuff about dragons.

"Want a tour?" I asked her. "Sure! Sounds fun!" I hopped on Toothless and so did she. "Can't you fly?" I asked. "I'm a little tired from the trip and Toothless said I can. Right bud?" Toothless garbled and nodded his head. "Okay then. Let's go."

We went to Snotlout's hut first. I just wanted to get this over with and not see him until I wake up. He has a lot of chores. He tried flirting with her so she punched him in his face. I laughed for a couple minutes. Then she went to Hookfang and left me to fix Snotlout. I guess she can talk to them even when she's not in dragon form. 'I wonder if she can understand anything.'


Snotlout was flirting with me so I punched him in his face. I could hear Hiccup dying from laughter behind me. Toothless garbled a little. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I couldn't stop until I got licked by Toothless. "Ewwww! Toothless, you know this doesn't wash out!" I threw a little bit of spit at him. I went to go talk to Hookfang while Hiccup helped Snotlout get some ice for his nose. "So, Hookfang, how are you?" I said to him. "Good. You?"

"I've been better. I'm kinda tired from the long flight."

"Ok. So, are you and Hiccup together yet?"

"Whoa Hookfang! What are you talking about?!"

"I know you like him Y/N. You can't deny it. And he likes you, too. I can tell from the way he looks at you."

"Are you kidding me? He could never like a girl like me. I'm too......different."

"Different is who you are. All he could ever ask of you is for you to be who you are."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I've known him long enough to know that he wants everyone to be themselves."

"Whatever. See you later Hookfang!"

"Later, Y/N!"

*time skip to after the tour because I am tired and it is early*

We got to Hiccup's hut. It was big. "This is my hut. You m'lady will be sleeping on the bed. I will be on the couch." He said. "Why so formal? What's with the m'lady? And you sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch."

"It's fine. You're a guest. You should get the bed."

"Hiccup, please. I'm fine. I can sleep anywhere."

"Just sleep on the bed, please? It's no big deal."

"Tell you what. I'll shift into a wolf and curl up at the end while you take the rest of the bed. Deal?"

"Fine, deal."

That ended that argument. "Goodnight guys!" I said to them. "Goodnight Y/N!" They said in unison.


Hey guys! Sorry it is short. Once again, I will update when I get a chance. Love all of u! Bye!

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