Chapter 11

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Hey guy! How have you all been? I'm doing great. Tomorrow I get to go rollerskating(rollerblading) for a fundraiser and I am soo excited. Anyway, I love you all and enjoy!




Alya's POV

"I'm okay! Calm down!" Gustav reassured me.

"You could have fallen." I told him. He just continued walking. 'Ugh. I'm tired.' We heard a low rumble which turned into a violent shake. "Gustav! Watch out!" I yelled at him. I grabbed him by the back of his collar and pulled him towards me. Just then, he checked for the Dragon Eye. It was rolling away. He got it but almost dropped so I caught him and hung onto the edge. Then I felt a hand grab mine. "(Y/N)!" I practically screamed. "Hiccup!" I yelled. Hiccup grabbed Gustav and (Y/N) grabbed me. They pulled us both up.

"We will discuss this when we get back. Let's go." Hiccup said in a somewhat calming voice. I called for Ella. We left and boy was "One-leg" mad at us.

"Of all the irresponsible, insubordinate-" Hiccup started but got cut off.

"Don't forget inane, crazy-"(IDK)Tuffnut started but was cut off by Hiccup.

"Of all those kinds of stunts you could have pulled, this was the worst! Do you know what Dagur would do to get his hands on the Dragon Eye?!" Hiccup yelled. 'Wow, he is angry. Sheesh.'

"Sorry Hiccup. We got bored and found it in your hut. And we found a map that leads to treasure in those caves." Gustav tried to apologize. It didn't really help. 

"Those are the most unstable caverns we have ever been in! We already checked there!" We got scolded and were gonna be told more in the morning. Tobin hadn't left yet so I was a little mad. Although, she has been spending a lot of time with Snotlout. Snotlout has also been spending less time trying to get Heather to go out with him.(Heather is already here. I know that was in the third season but I couldn't help it. Heather is awesome!)

"Come on Gustav. It's obvious that we're not appreciated here, but think of what we could make a difference in." I told him as he was feeding Fanghook some fish. He kept mumbling about them never appreciating him.

"Alya, I just wanted to prove myself to them. To show them I can be as great as them. They just can't see it." He told me. He was frowning and I didn't like it. 'What is he thinking?' "Let's go Fanghook.

"Whoa. Where are you two going?" I asked him. He better not be doing anything stupid. He's already done that once.

"We're leaving. Are you coming or are you going?" He asked.

"I'm coming."

"Great. Let's go before they wake up." I hopped on Ella and Gustav hopped on Fanghook and we flew off. Hopefully they don't follow us. Then we got shot down by a net and met.............Dagur.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and I had just finished my morning flight. I went to look for Alya, but I couldn't find her, or Gustav. 'Oh no!' "Hiccup! Alya and Gustav are gone!" I yelled while running into the hut. Hiccup woke up instantly and jumped out of his bed.

"WHAT?!" He screamed. After he got up fully, we woke up the others and went to search for them. "I did this. I was too hard on them." Hiccup told us.

"It's okay Hiccup. We'll get them back. How far could they have gotten last night? They must have gotten tired and stopped at some point." I reassured them. We just continued searching.

Alya's POV

Unlucky for me, Dagur recognized me instantly and put me in a cell. He put Ella in the one beside me. He let Gustav stay and help him. Dagur said he would kill me if Gustav didn't help him. Gustav was having a conversation with him up top. I just used my werewolf hearing and heard what they said. "So, when we get there, we charge their base and seize the Dragon Eye by force." I heard Dagur say.

"Or, we could make him think he is trading it for me when actually he is just giving it to us." Gustav told him. 'No, Gustav. I hope you have a plan.' I thought in my mind.

"I think that actually might work. I like you kid."

"Thanks. Um, could you call your servant off. His sword is making me a little uncomfortable in my face."

"Of course. Savage, go find something more valuable to do with your time."

"Thank you." I could smell something tasty. 'Is that mutton?'

"More mutton thigh, friend?"

"I would love some. But I have one request. Alya and Ella get to come with us."

"What?! Why would I possibly let them come with us?!"

"Because I am helping you get the Dragon Eye."

"Fine! Whatever."

When they were done, Gustav came down and brought food with them. He gave it to me. "Thanks Gustav. I'm starving." He gave Ella some too.

"No problem Alya. Dagur agreed to let you come with us." He told me.

"I already know."


"Werewolf hearing." I whispered so Dagur couldn't hear me. He didn't know about the werewolf powers yet. Just the ears and tail showing.

"Oh. Right. Well, I got to get back. We're sending terror mail."

"Okay. Gustav?"

"Yes Alya?" He walked over to my cell. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed a little.


"Yep. S-see you later Alya." I chuckled at the fact that he stuttered, then he went to the deck.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS! IT'S AMAZING! I love you all and goodbye Snugglers! 

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