Chapter 8

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Hey guys! My name I have chosen is Alya. I got it from a fanfic and I thought it was pretty. The name was not my idea. Anyway, please enjoy!


"Nothing---Okay. Toothless told me that Hiccup was really worried when I got to the hut late, so, I've been messing with him a little." I explained to her.

"Alright, have fun." Then she left me alone with him. 'Perfect.'

"Hey Hiccup?" I asked him.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"Wanna join me in an afternoon flight? That way you won't be so worried if I'm late again." 'Hehe.'

"Sure (Y/N)."

"Thanks! It's gonna be great to have someone to fly with. See you later." Then I flew off in one direction and he flew off in the other.

Hiccup's POV

Toothless and I flew back to the hut. I was looking for a tail that could at least help Toothless keep up with (Y/N). She's been acting different ever since last night. "Toothless, do you think she likes me?" I asked the jumping dragon. He nodded yes. Why wouldn't he know? He talks to her all the time. On my way to the dome I saw a tail that looked like Tootless's but with bones on it. I decided to check it out. It was a bone fury! A dragon even rarer than Toothless! There was a girl on it. She looked about Gustav's age. "Hey! Who are you?" I yelled to her.

"How did you find me?" She asked, venom dripping from her voice.

"Your Bone Fury's tail was showing." I told her with caution. She has two swords. I don't want to get on her bad side.

"Oh. Well, who I am is none of your business. Is that a Night Fury?" She asked.

"Yes. Only one I know. Unless your Bone Fury counts as one." I said.

"This Bone Fury's name is Ella." She said.

"Well, I'm Hiccup. This is Toothless." I told her hoping she would tell me her name.

"I guess I could tell you who I am. I'm Alya, and of course, you already know Ella." She said.

"Well, I was just heading somewhere with someone. You want to come?" I asked. I hope (Y/N) is okay with this.

"Sure. Who is this someone?"

"Her name is (Y/N)." I told her. Her eyes widened for a second but went as quickly as it came. I wonder why. "Let's go." With that we both headed to the dome. When we got there, (Y/N) had here eyes wide open. "Alya?!" Alya and Ella hurried to the dome. When Alya got to (Y/N), she engulfed her into a large hug. I guess they know each other.

"(Y/N)! It's so great to see you! How long has it been? Five years?" 'They do know each other.'

"I think so. What are you doing here?!" She asked.

"I came looking for you after I heard about the attack. I snuck into your village and to the armory. Your sister told me that you got banished and flew in this direction. I was hoping to find you. Of course, I had to stop at the Dragon Hunters boat on the shore of Melody Island and steal a couple things like food. Ryker almost caught us, but Ella got us out just in time. Didn't you, girl?" She pet the Bone Fury's head. "Well, would you like us to get someone to give you a tour of the island?" I asked her.

"Sure! That would be awesome. Anyone in mind?" She asked.

"What about Fishlegs?" I asked her back.

"Who's that?"

"That would be me. The smartest viking out of everyone here except for (Y/N) and Hiccup." A voice I know all too well said behind me.

Alya's POV(finally)

A kid that looked about nineteen came up to me. "OH MY THOR! IS THAT A BONE FURY?!" He yelled. Too loud if I may say.

"The one and only. Want to check her out?" I asked him. He looked really excited.

"Alya. Are you flaunting Ella again?" (Y/N) asked with a smirk.

"What can I say? She loves the attention."

"Anyway, would you like a tour....Alya?" Fishlegs asked me.

"Yes. I would love one. Thank you." (no, I'm not flirting. Fishlegs is gonna be with Heather. I am only 16 and gonna get together with Gustav.)

*meanwhile, with (Y/N) and Hiccup*

(Y/N)'s POV

"It's beautiful up here." I said hoping to start conversation.

"Yeah. It's amazing. Hey (Y/N), I have to tell you something."



HAHA! Cliffhanger. What I have coming is unexpected. Please don't kill me. I'm getting a new laptop tomorrow or soon. This is my mom's tiny one so it should be easier to type. Also, the next chapter is when I meet Gustav. I am only 16 in the story and so is Gustav. Anyway, I love you all and I will see you Snugglers in the next chapter.

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