"I know." He sighed.

"What do we do?" Donna looked at them both worryingly.

"Donna we've got to get help." The Stone looked at her.

"From where?"

"Donna, we're taking you to the Shadow Proclamation." He said. "Hold tight." The Time Lords moved around the TARDIS taking them to where they needed to be.

"So go on then, what is the Shadow Proclamation anyway?" Donna questioned them both.

"Posh name for police." The Doctor replied. "Outer space police."

"Not that I would call them that," the Stone scoffed, "more like out of space rebels, don't tell them I said that." She looked at the scanner for a moment. "Ah, it seems that the Judoon might feel a little threatened by us." She muttered as the Doctor moved over to look at the scanner, Donna did the same, her eyes widening at the sight. "Donna it's okay," she reassured, "just follow us and you will be fine."

"Ready?" The Doctor raised a brow. The two woman nodded before he stepped out of the TARDIS into a corridor. He raised his arms slightly shifting to stand a little in front of the Stone weary of the semi-circle the Judoon had formed in front of the TARDIS pointing their guns at the three. Donna copied the Time Lords just as the Stone said, raising her hands showing that they surrendered.

"Sco bo tro no flo jo ko fo to to." One of the Judoon announced.

"No bo ho sho ko ro to so." The Doctor then replied. The Stone bit her lip trying not to laugh, languages was most likely the only class the Doctor did pay attention to, whether it was because the Stone and himself were not in the same class or if it was because he got to learn not only about other languages but also cultures was another matter in itself. "Bo-ko-do-zo-go-bo-fo-po-jo."

The Judoon then stood down placing their guns away. the Doctor nodded. "Moho." He then lowered his arms the Stone smirking at him as he grinned at her in return. "You know I'm quite glad you actually paid attention in that class." She said. "Much better than I am."

"That's because I didn't have you or the Master in my class."

"Yeah, he always kept trying to distract me in mine, wouldn't stop pestering me about everything."


"Time Lords are the stuff of legend." The tall Albino woman wearing black robes walked around. "They belong in the myths and whispers of the Higher Species. You cannot possibly exist."

"Yeah." The Doctor shifted slightly dragging out the word. "More to the point, we've got a missing planet."

"Then you're not as wise as the stories would say." She glanced at the two. "The picture is far bigger than you imagine. The whole universe is in outrage, Doctor, Stone. Twenty-four worlds have been taken from the sky."

"How many?" They both gaped at her as Donna watched on. They both then ran to the computer screen beside the woman. "Which ones? Show us."

"Locations range far and wide, but all disappeared at the exact same moment, leaving no trace." She said.

"Callufrax Minorr. Jahoo. Shallacatop." The Doctor read out the names from the screen after he slipped his glasses on.

"Woman Wept."

"Clom. Clom's gone?" The Doctor frowned. "Who'd want Clom?" The Time Lady rolled her eyes and swatted his arm making the Time Lord yelp slightly as she glared at him telling him to behave and not be so rude,

The Destiny of Three [3] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now