"I know just the place!" The Doctor quickly took the Stone's hand and rushed off Donna following behind them not wanting to lose them in the crowd of people. After catching up with them the Doctor handed the redhead a drink the three of them grinning. "You are going to love this." He promised her. "One, two, three..." They all took a drink of the foamy liquid, the trio gaining moustaches. Donna then squealed with laughter as the Stone placed the cup down and started to laugh pointing at the Doctors face as he raised a brow at her. Shaking her head while laughing she reached over and wiped some of the foam off of his nose then onto his suit. playfully glaring at her she raised a brow daring him to challenge her before he backed down wiping the remains of his moustache with the back of his hand as the Stone and Donna did the same before they continued on.


Donna hung back as the Time Lords beamed gazing fondly at one another while wandering through the alley also glancing at the many items on the stalls. At times Donna felt like she was intruding on them, they were a couple after all and needed their time alone together to do couple things that they definitely didn't get to do as often as they liked. Donna tried to give them their space and did allow them to enjoy a trip last week and that didn't exactly go to plan with the Doctor almost dying and the Stone ending up battered and bruised by the end of the day. The least she could do was give them a small amount of time alone right now. So she did.

"You want to buy Shukina?" A stall owner asked. Donna glanced over her shoulder at the TimeLords, the Doctor holding what looked like a fruit in his hand with long spikes, the Stone slowly nodding as he spoke. "Or Peshwami?" The woman asked. "Most beautiful Peshwami in all of Shan Shen." Donna looked back over at them once more the two of them chatting and laughing with the seller of the fruit before she turned back to the woman shaking her head and politely declining the items.

Donna continued to walk on wondering around on her own taking in the sites and wondering how on Earth she managed to find herself here before a woman snapped her out of her daydream making the redhead turn around to face her. "Tell your fortune, lady?" She said smiling. "Your future predicted, your life foretold."

"Ah, no thanks." Donna shook her head thinking that she really should ask the TimeLords about this before doing anything, they had warned her not to accept anything from anyone after they had told her the story of what happened with Martha last time they brought her to a market similar to this one.

"Don't you want to know - if you're going to be happy?" The woman looked at her almost smiling.

"I'm happy right now, thanks." Donna smiled shaking her head politely turning before the woman spoke up again.

"You've got red hair." She pointed out nodding at Donna. "Reading's free for red hair."

"All right, then." Donna laughed. It was only a fortune teller, they only said to not accept any foods or items from anyone without them, they never said about a fortune teller. The woman stood to the side holding open the door of the tent, Donna headed inside the fortune teller heading in after her.

Donna and the Fortuneteller sat at opposite sits of a table, the fortune teller held Donna's hands caressing her palms. "You're fascinating." She murmured. "Oh no, but you're good. I can see... a man." Donna lightly laughed at the woman as she continued to talk. "The most remarkable man and a woman, brilliant woman. How did you meet them?"

"You're supposed to tell me." Donna laughed.

"I see the future. Tell me the past." She looked up from Donna's hands. "When did your lives cross?"

The Destiny of Three [3] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now