no blinding light or tunnels to gates of white

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"Lloyd? Are you okay?", Zane met me
at the police station.

"No, the NZSIS just showed up at my house and I was escorted out by them. Does that seem okay to you?", I snapped at him as they pulled me away and led me back into the interrogation room.

It was like a metal box with windows and a place to cuff my hands up on a metal table with metal bars. I sat in a metal seat and looked at metal controls by a surprisingly glass window.

A buff man sat down and opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could come out, I interrupted him to say, "I didn't do it".

"Lloyd, it'll be okay. I just need you to answer some questions. We have too much evidence that shows you did do it, for us to just let you go. Now, you can answer my questions here or you can answer my questions through bars of a cell door. Choose one, Lloyd".

I paused and thought to myself for a bit, before choosing my answer to his multiple question-like-statements, "I don't know who Kai is", I said on impulse, "I've never met anyone named, what was it? Kai? What kind of name even is that?".

I knew there was no fooling the investigator though. He stood up and circle around me. He had a briefcase that he set down on the table and opened up as soon as he had done a full 360 around me. In it held documents with my name and Kai's. It included the document we signed when we had lived together for a bit, it included a document that I had just made up that was our "Rules for Cheating", since we had a loose relationship, and a book that he had signed to me on New Year's.

"You're telling me that you don't know anyone named Kai? You're saying that, that name doesn't even ring a bell? You're trashing one of your best friend's name? Actually, it seems here that you two were even more than friends", the investigator raised his voice at my statement.

I froze. If he had ever known who I was, who we were, than he would've known that I wouldn't do such a thing. We protected the city and its people, not hurt them. It's against my power to murder a good person.

Then, I began to have sass, "so what if I did? Maybe, just maybe, he was being an asshole that day".

"Who cares if he was an asshole? You can't murder someone because they were an 'asshole'. There's no exceptions to murder".

"What if it's a robber? And you shoot the robber?".

"Lloyd, you chose to kill him, not me".

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