and i found love where it wasn't supposed to be

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    "The bad boy", I started to speak as Kai leaned against the dark, wood bed frame, "Everyone falls for him. I thought I wasn't. I swore to myself that the bad boy wasn't the one for me, lived by that promise all the up until I met you. As soon as I heard your smooth, soft voice I knew I had found the one. The thing was is that I had to break a promise that I made with myself in order to love you. I broke the promise, shocker, and let myself fall for you ever single day. All I wanted to do was kiss and touch you, but you weren't like that. You weren't what I wanted, but what I needed. You approached me later that day pretty seductively and asked me on a date. Well, you actually demanded a date and of course I agreed. We fell in love and were in love until New Years", I threw up a love story into Kai's resting bitch face.

We both stared at each other for longest time until Kai broke the silence by saying, "I can't", in a posh, hoarse voice.

My face gave off a shocked, what do you mean, look. Kai just sighed and stood up looking at me with his raging good looks. He was like a movie character, everything about him, perfect. There wasn't one thing that wasn't perfect about this man in front of me. He stretched his back and leaned on my mattress with his bruised knuckles grabbing onto the side of it.

"I'm sorry", is all he said before walking out the bedroom door.

The thing was he never left the apartment. He was just outside of my door and I was able to hear his choppy breathing. He was crying. Kai wasn't an emotional person usually, but he
felt so passionately towards this situation. He banged on the walls around him, splitting open every already bruised knuckle he had. I knew that, that had happened because I heard him swear under his breath then turn on the sink.

Thing was I didn't stop Kai. I just connected my phone to the wireless speaker and music starting blaring throughout the house. He didn't even stop to listen to the song.

Ocean -Stripped Acoustic by Andreas Moe, the fucking song that was playing when we first met. I listened in on the mental breakdown Kai was having and it was getting back. He
began to throw himself at the door bruising his whole entire right side of his body. My heart thud as he threw himself at my door, pushing it in a little bit each time, bending the wood.

"Stop", I whispered it myself as I heard Kai scream at the top of his lungs after collapsing onto the ground, out of breath from punching everything around him.

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