that if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

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    "I realize I'm hurting him more then he already is by ignoring him, but he doesn't make me happy like you", I placed my hand on LillyAnne's cheek and smiled at her blush softly.

"But he's ruining you by you not talking or recognizing him. He's hurting you more then you're hurting him", she grabbed my hand and placed it on the arm rest of the car.

My eyes widened and I looked at her with tears settling in my eyes. I frowned and let them it pour out of me.

"I love him, I really do but he's so insane and crazy. I can't be with someone that's obsessed with messing their life up. He won't stop messing everything up!", I cried and shook my head.

"Why don't you ask him?", LillyAnne pointed to a shadowy figure across the street and exited the car.

She walked up and into her house, waving at me and pulled her cardigan over her cold self. I banged on the steering wheel and hysterically cried. I couldn't handle all my feelings. LillyAnne was just a distraction from Kai, but I couldn't let her go. I loved her too but I lost LillyAnne just like I lost Kai.

I heard the passenger door open and Kai sat in the passenger seat crying as well, but he didn't make a scene like I did, he just stared straight and let all his tears pour out of his eyes. They drenched his red shirt with dots of salty spots.

"I don't care what happens between me and you, but please talk to me", He choked on his words and closed his eyes.

My heart beat slowly like I was calm, but I was really freaking out. I was panicking but somehow I told myself I wasn't. I felt safe around Kai.

"Just say something", He said hoarsely and skidded away from the car into the velvety blackness of the starry midnight sky.

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