way you taught me to look past everything I had ever learned

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"I remember throwing cigarette butts hoping that maybe one would catch your apartment building on fire and set it up in flames, I prayed that LillyAnne was the one getting hit by the car or maybe she was in the burning building. The thing was and is, I never remembered loving you, or who you were. I just recognized my feeling towards the glass windows surrounding your apartment and wanting to watch the glass melt like wax, to watch the glass drip down the side of the building, inching towards me like lava. I'm sorry I didn't care or remember you, all I knew is that I hated a green dude, I hated a green guy and wanted him to die. But I was the one who got hurt in the end, both times. Once physically and once mentally, both because of you", My lips were chapped and faded like.

I wrapped my hand around my other hand and tapped my feet nervously. Lloyd had asked what I remembered from the crash and I had answered with a softer truth rather than the blunt, cold-hearted one. Lloyd's hair all fell onto his pale forehead as he slammed on the breaks.

"You wanted to hurt me", he paused, "I know I messed up, but you married LillyAnne for money and drugs. Probably alcohol too. I don't understand why I still love you, but you were so passionate with watching me burn, watching me die because I dated LillyAnne for two days. You can leave the country without any explanation on why and never break up with your boyfriend, then marry someone that you don't even love for stupid reasons and I can't date someone for two freaking days. You and I weren't even together. You were angry at me and so I didn't even dare ask if we were a 'thing'. So I'm sorry for upsetting you that much, wish we could talk more about it there bud, but here's your sisters house. Have an amazing night, Kai", Lloyd stared at me blinking his eyes ever so often.

I pulled open the black handle and pushed myself out of his car. Nya's house was painted beige and felt colorless. It was decorated with brown plants outside. Of course they were once thriving with brightness and colors, but then all that happiness was sucked out of them, leaving one yellowish petal, surrounded by diarrhea like brown ones on each plant.

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