Let Me Be the One to Save You [Cake-AU]

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unpopular opinion:

we ship Cashton and Muke more than Mashton and cake

Let Me Be the One to Save You [Cake-AU]~

Once you've spent your entire life lusting after Calum Hood you start to feel a little down about yourself.

You feel this way because he hasn't noticed you yet and probably never will. That was basically Luke's life.

To Luke, he was nobody. Just Ashton Hemmings' annoying little brother. His friends thought he was crazy for liking Calum. Obviously because the older boy was so far out of his league.

It's not like Luke wasn't good-looking or popular, because he was both of those things, and very much so. Perhaps it was just the 'younger' factor. Calum and Ashton were seniors while Luke and Calum's younger brother, Michael, were sophomores.

"Why don't you just give up?" Jessica questioned Luke one night while they sat up in his room. One of Ashton's house parties was currently tearing through the main floor, so they couldn't have their movie marathon like they wanted to. "I know Ronnie has a thing for you. And he's gorgeous, and he's our a-"

"If you say the 'A' word, Jess, I swear to God," the blonde boy interrupted her, referring to the word 'age.'

"I'm just saying Luke," she sighed. "I just want you to be happy."

"Calum could make me happy,"

"Yeah, but he won't,"

Luke threw a pillow at her head. "Hey!" Jessica cried.

"Can we not do this now?"

"Fine. What do you want to do? Because we can't go to sleep with all that noise," the blonde girl stated, thwacking the floor as though the party-goers below would hear it and quiet down.

Luke smiled. "We could... Go to the party?"

Jessica glared at Luke for nearly a whole minute before saying, "No," to which her friend immediately countered, "Yes."

"Lucas Robert Hemmings, the answer is n-"

"C'mon Jess! I'll even call Michael and you two can grind, and I can look for Calum, and it'll be fun!"

Another minute of glaring passed before Jessica rubbed her temples and mumbled, "Fine."


Luke called Michael and as soon as the youngest Hood showed up, he left him with Jessica and allowed himself to roam free.

He was focused on finding Calum, of course. However, Luke had not yet decided what he was going to do once he did.

The first step in finding Calum, was finding Ashton. The two had been best friends for as long as Luke had been living, so he knew they'd be near each other.

"Sorry, bro," Luke's older brother told him. "I have no idea where he is."

The younger boy made a noise of frustration. "Aren't you two supposed to be, like, best friends?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm his fucking guardian angel. Find him yourself,"

Ashton left his brother standing alone in the kitchen, next to a cooler of beer. Calum drinks beer, Luke thought to himself. If I wait here maybe he'll show up. But the blue eyed boy decided that he simply couldn't sit still, so he set off looking for his crush once again.

Making his way back up stairs, Luke passed numerous couples making out around his house. It only made him more determined to find Calum.

"Hey, Babe," it was Ronnie.

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