Train Me [Lirry-AU]

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You know what I hate


And socializing

Like wtf is up with that
I mean really



Harry's insecure, don't know what for (I'm not just saying that it's seriously the prompt) and Liam is his personal trainer! And then- no. you know what, just no just go read the one shot idefk why I write these prompts like if you wanna know what the one shot is about
How about you read the fucking one shot

I mean really

*Ashtyn idk man it's late I haven't gotten a lot of sleep in the past couple days just make a title please?*
~don't laugh at my title im tired too~

Train Me[Lirry-AU]~

Harry had always been insecure. It wasn't like he was picked on or bullied super bad, he just didn't like much about himself. His torso/leg proportion was way out of whack. He had awkward dimples. His hair was just plain stupid. He was too skinny, tall, and lanky.

There was luckily a fix for that one. Harry took periodical trips to his local gym where he was trained by his personal trainer; Liam Payne. He went every other day and loved every second of it. Truth is, Harry had a major crush on Liam. He loved absolutely everything about him, and the things he loved only got better when Liam was all hot and sweaty during one of their sessions. ~*a/n that sounded so wrong I'm laughing harder than I should be*~

Currently, Liam was behind an old punching bag, and Harry was wailing on it.

"Harry! Arch you back!" Liam commanded him. Posture was an important part of boxing.

The younger boy did as he was told and continued punching.

"Babe," Liam had a habit of calling Harry that, "c'mere."

So Harry went there.

"You're making your fists like this," the older lad imitated Harry. "But they should be like this," he demonstrated.

Harry nodded. "Alright,"

"And keep your elbows up," ~*a/n in case you haven't noticed idk how to box so shut up*~

Nodding once more, Harry went back to boxing with the bag. After a couple more minutes, Liam stopped him. "Let's call it quits for tonight,"

"Awww, Li, you're no fun," Harry fake complained.

"I'm sorry Harry, I don't have any whine to go with your cheese,"

"Ooo, he's feisty. I like it," Harry shot Liam a wink, causing the older boy to blush.

"Whatever," Liam mumbled.

The two boys got changed, except Harry decided to stay for a shower.

"Alright. See ya Friday mate," Liam said goodbye, heading out into the night all alone.

One quick, hot shower later Harry Styles left the gym as well. As he walked down the city streets, through the cold night, he could feel something was off.

The curly haired boy passed a deserted alleyway. But it turns out, it wasn't so deserted. Somewhere in the shadows, someone (or something) was making weird noises. Like they were in pain.

"Hello?" Harry called out.

"Hrr.." The someone/something grumbled. Harry decided to not be a fucktard and stepped into the alley.

"Are you alright?" He asked the empty space. All there was was more grumbling and then Harry noticed someone slumped against the chipped brick wall. "Liam???" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Liam whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Liam- what happened to you?!"

"Got jumped.." He muttered.

Harry knelt down next to his personal trainer, who was bloody mess. "Well I can see that," Harry pulled Liam off of the dirty ground and let the older boy put all his weight onto him. "I'm gonna take you back to my place," and it's not like Liam could protest. At first, they walked slow, with Liam limping along. Then, Harry decided it would just be easier to carry Liam. So the younger lad lifted him up bridal style and did exactly that.

Once in Harry's flat, the pair made their way to the bathroom so Liam could get cleaned up.

"Some personal trainer you are," Harry commented.

Liam scoffed. "That's not fair. I was all worn out from teaching you,"

"Yeah, whatever..."

Harry wiped at Liam's cuts, and applied band-aids as best as he could, but Harry Styles is no doctor.

"Thanks for your help," Liam said after he was all fixed up. He was really missing Harry touching his face and being so close that Liam could feel the curly haired boy's breath on his face, but he would never admit it.

"No problem,"

"So I guess I'll just be going then.."

Harry laughed. "If you think I'm letting you go back out there all alone again, you're crazy. You're gonna sleep here,"

"On the couch?"


So Harry gathered Liam up some blankets and pillows and was in the middle of setting up Liam a place to sleep when the older boy asked, "You wanna have sex?"

Harry was obviously stunned by the sudden and forward question, but then he thought about it. Here was Liam, the guy he liked, asking him for sex. He looked at the clock; It was only 1:00 am. "Sure," Harry shrugged.

And so they did.

Liam topped.



~*Mama Pigeon*~

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