Finally, I finish. When I open the door, Hunter walks over to me and then walks me back to the living room. I thank him a million times as we return.

The guys select to watch Happy Gilmore next on Netflix, as I have requested earlier, and as it loads, they start to talk.

Matt starts, “So, the tour’s only in three months.”

Hunter sighs, sinking into his side of the couch. “Yeah.”

“We need to rehearse some more, you know. You haven’t for almost two weeks.”


Andy pops a piece of popcorn into his mouth. “What are you thinking so hard about?”

Hunter pauses, thinking. “I think I want to push the tour back another two months.”


“Are you crazy?”



I shrink under my blanket, breathing in Hunter’s cologne that has stuck onto it. I say softly, “It’s because of me.”

Everyone’s eyes land on me. Hunter sits up, slightly leaning more towards me. “Harper, I just-”

“I told you I was going to inconvenience you,” I tell him. “I always make a mess of everything.”

Hunter’s gaze becomes a little more stern, but it’s still kind. “You’re not an inconvenience, and you don’t make a mess of everything, Harper.” My eyes fall to my hands as they play with the hem of my shirt, occupying my mind. Hunter sighs. “Harper, look at me, please.”

I look up, but I glance at the band first. They’re all awkwardly sitting around, pretending to be interested in the loading sign on the TV. My eyes fall onto Hunter’s.

“Remember when I sang you Wanted when you couldn’t fall asleep, before everything happened?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Well, you are wanted here, okay? Never forget that.”

“Okay,” I tell him, but under my breath, I whisper, “No promises.”


Netflix stopped working, so the band left to go back to their families to spend the holiday with them. It’s starting to get darker outside, and soon the fireworks will begin. Since Hunter lives in town, you can only hear fireworks from here. I decide to get changed into some pajamas (A fluffy pale yellow pants with that blue stained tank top. While the band was still here, Hunter asked them to get me all my clothes from my apartment for me.). As I get changed, Hunter has to stand outside the door. I apologize for being so clingy, but he waves it off, saying that he understands. As he gets dressed and uses the bathroom, I wait down the hall. I have to clench and unclench my hands to keep myself from freaking out until Hunter finishes. When he does, he comes out with a plain black T-shirt and red and black checkered pants.

He and I walk into the kitchen and prepare some Mac and Cheese and frozen pizza for supper. I make the Mac and Cheese, and he watches the pizza. Once both are done, we serve ourselves and package the rest so we can eat them as leftovers some other time.

The dining room seems too formal, so Hunter and I sit outside on the front porch steps. While we eat, Hunter talks about how good of chefs we are and how we should make our own little Mac and Cheese shop. He goes on about lying to all of our customers, telling them that we are using our recipe, even though we’re using Kraft brand. He keeps on going, and I’m glad because he’s helping me keep my mind busy. I don’t comment or add anything to his rant.  I know that it’s a joke, but it all sounds so perfect.

You Make Me ▶▶A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction◀◀Where stories live. Discover now