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By senior year, Connie feels like her puzzle of life is slowly being put together in the right places and making a beautiful picture.

She had given up on the voice box and Cherry finally accepts it. Instead she pushes Connie to go to the group to help her quit smoking. Connie finally forgave Mrs. Swan once her mom awoke from her coma. They talked and Connie was too happy to question the past. Like her girlfriend said; it was the past and she couldn't do anything about it now. Connie herself seemed to be doing okay, getting accepted to college to major in art. Cherry applied to the same college to major in human interactions.

Sometimes Connie would have rocky days, but she made them through with the help of her lovable girlfriend and mom. She even visited her father's grave to tell him that she finally understands her past. Connie is glad that there were no more secrets and she was happy.

The present is now and she enjoys it and looks forward to the future. After all she has a whole life to live; even if she had a bad past and unable to communicate through voice. Connie just had to live mute by the minute, and she's okay with that.

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