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Connie races to her mom's side and shakes her vigorously. She wants to scream out her name, but she can't. She panics and begins crying knowing she can't call anyone, so she does the only thing she can.

Run to Cherry.

She practically flies down the stairs and to Cherry's side of the apartment. Luckily, she catches her right before she enters the building and she grasps her arm causing Cherry to gasp in fright. She whips around and widens her eyes at Connie.

"Connie what's-"

My mom. She is on the floor not moving. Connie's practically throwing her fingers at Cherry's face.

Cherry grabs Connie's hand and they run back to her apartment as Cherry dials 911. They burst through the door and rush to Ms. Shepherd's side.

"Was she like this when you walked in?" Cherry screeches.

Connie nods quickly as tears stream down her face. She's never seen her mom like this and can only wonder why her mom ended up on the floor and how long she's been like this.

"It's okay the ambulance is on its way," Cherry tries to assure the frightened girl before her.

Connie hugs herself to warm her shaking body. How could her mother do this to her? Doesn't she know Connie can't speak? How would Connie get help if Cherry wasn't around? She feels sick, and the room begins to spin. What would've happened if Cherry wasn't here? Did she come to late? What will happen to her mom? Suddenly she feels someone wrap their arms around her and sees it's Cherry.

She guides Connie from the apartment and out the door and Connie's ears are ringing with the loud sirens outside of her apartment complex. Cherry and Connie drive to the hospital close behind the ambulance and Connie can only stare at her palms hoping they'd tell her her future, that everything will turn out okay.

"Hey," Cherry takes a hold of Connie's hand and glances at her for a split second, "everything will be okay."

Connie doesn't know if that will be true. She doesn't even know what to think or how to act because she doesn't remember anything like this ever happening. All she could do is squeeze Cherry's hand tighter to make sure she's there.

Both girls walk into the hospital quickly and ask about Ms. Shepherd. The nurse at the front kindly tells them to sit in the waiting area, and they will tell them any news they have on Connie's mom. Though just as Connie's about to sit, Cherry pipes up with worry.

"Connie? What's that green and blue powder on your pants?"

Connie looks down and her mind flashes back to where she found her mom. She was too preoccupied by her mother that she didn't pay attention to where she sat down. The only thing that ran through her head was that these were no ordinary prescription pills, they were drugs.

Connie should know.

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