Chapter 26: Consuming Fire Part I

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Chapter 26- Consuming Fire

He who walked the path of hell

Who didn't know what we will tell

Accused of committing a crime

Only he knows what goes on in his mind

By the winter solstice it shall appear

And let everyone finally hear

A circle of hell's fire burned before him as he allowed his body to consume the flames. The fire spread across his body, it didn't burn through his skin, instead, it dissolved into his body, becoming a part of it. Hell's darkness. It gave him invincible power. Power that could not be challenged nor defeated. He would consume all hell's fire, until his body would become a vessel to a destructive arsenal. Percy had felt the pleasure of consuming hell's fire ever since he revealed his darkness when he was trapped in Tartarus. That day, he did consume it but his powers had reached such a powerful peak that day that the fire around him became invisible and absorbed into his body immediately. It was the reason why he hadn't noticed it.

               After he escaped, he craved to feel it again, without it's presence it left him wreck less, just like a ticking bomb. It took him a while to stumble upon the true meaning of hell's fire. And when he takes it all, he'll finally become what he was destined to be. Hell.

               However, when there is the fire of hell, there is the fire of heaven. The golden fire of heaven. The demigod of the light would have to consume it. And when the ashes of the battle fade, only one fire would be burning. The fire of the new age.


               The world slowed around her, giving her the time to take in her surroundings, to comprehend them. She moved at her own speed, not intertwined with nature's, but moving at her own nature. A burst of energy erupted through her as the bronze sword clashed against hers, sending a blast of a clinging sound echoing through the air. Her opponent's sword pushed against hers with incredible force which made her push back with a similar power. Her stormy eyes travelled to her opponent's, only to be met with nothing but obsidian. It caused her to let her guard down and she instantly regretted it.

               Her hand slid away from her sword's hilt and she was pushed back, landing on the rigid ground. Annabeth cursed as she pulled herself up, grabbing her sword that had scattered a few feet away. "If you learn to channel that anger that's always burning inside of you, to a strong force, then you could stand a chance against me." Percy said as a smirk played on his face. "Given up yet?" He asked, backing a few steps away to take his position.

               Annabeth's grip tightened around her hilt, this time she won't let him disarm her. The never ending hurricane in her eyes grew as she readied herself. He had already taken his position; he knew her answer. Without a thought, she charged towards him, their swords colliding and repelling each other as the hit threw them back. But Annabeth was already swinging her sword. However, Percy's incredible speed gave him the advantage because her sword only tore across his shirt but he remained unharmed. She swung her sword again but he side stepped away with ease, coming behind her and kicking her down. "Focus. You're too distracted." He advised. She gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to yell at him. She despised being weak against him she was always capable of disarming him. But Percy had become very skilled and had developed new techniques.

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