I met Jasmine's last comment with silence and, for the rest of the time, my thoughts were constantly consumed with what Jasmine had told me about Shakespeare. Even when I went to bed, I still thought of this issue.

Eventually, I managed to fall asleep.

It was around three in the morning when the horrific nightmare began. The nightmares started when I dreamt that I was in an urban, built-up area, hurrying along a filthy pathway in my high heeled shoes and gazing occasionally at the starlight sky above me. I constantly glanced over my shoulder, feeling that I was being followed and fear filled my heart.

As I ran, the moon leered down at my quivering form from above, its harsh silver rays sending shivers of unease shooting around my body, rather than offering me comfort. Suddenly, I stumbled on an empty, glass bottle, narrowly avoiding falling heavily onto the grimy pavement. Then, my fears crashed down upon me like an avalanche. The moment I fell, I was hit from behind by a powerful force. I cried out in pain, as I was roughly pulled into a side alley by my arm, so hard in fact that I thought my shoulder had been dislocated. Subsequently, I had a gun waved frantically in my face.

"Do as you're told and you won't get hurt." My attacker spat in a deep, gruff voice, before he clicked off the safety trigger on the gun, so I knew he meant business.

"W...what do you want from me?" I stammered except I realised that bizarrely, it wasn't my voice at all. Instead, this voice was higher in pitch and not as soft. "T...take my bag if that's what you want, just don't hurt me."

I was crying now, or whoever I was supposed to be was crying. Thick, hot tears fell from my salty eyelashes, staining my satin, purple dress. I saw my attacker smile, his lips peeling back to reveal rotting teeth.

"Now, now," he said mockingly. "We don't need any tears. As long as you cooperate, all will be fine."

In a blinding, gigantic black ball of energy, two hideous, terrifying and otherworldly creatures formed out of nowhere, causing both my attacker and I to scream in horror, panic and shock.

I felt a lump form in my throat.

"What the –" My attacker went to swear, dropping the gun in astonishment. He was interrupted by one of the creatures, whose entire body was on fire and stunk of burning flesh, causing the two of us to gag.

As I frantically tried to cover my nose, I cowered in terror and disbelief.

"Are you Josssseph Cunningssss?" This creature hissed, its black eyes, or what could only be considered to be eyes, for they were more like gaping holes, flashing.

After hearing this question, my assailant could not form any words. Instead, as he paled considerably, his mouth moved up and down like a guppy.

"Ssssspeak earthly mortal," abruptly cried the second creature, which was smaller than the first but shook constantly, its body appearing pale and weak. "I demand that you ansssswer ussssss."

Unfortunately for my attacker and me, this unearthly being also gave off the repulsive odour of decay. Although my attacker struggled against the pull both terrifying creatures had over him, after hearing this forceful command, he rapidly found himself speaking, his voice quivering.

"Y...yes," he told them, cowering. "Yes, that's my n...name."

As soon as my assailant had correctly identified himself, I saw how both creatures smiled maliciously at each other, pleased that they had found the right person. It was then that Joseph burst into a fit of talking, now pleading for his life.

"A...are you demons?" he cried, now sobbing profusely. He looked pitiful. "If you are, then p...please don't h...hurt me?"

Funny how the tables had now turned.

After hearing this plea, both creatures unexpectedly burst into terrible laughter. This cackling caused a major power cut throughout the city and glass rained down upon us from a nearby street lamp, which had exploded, causing me to scream. Then, in a flash with a flick of his fiery hand, black, snake-like chains began to encircle Joseph's arms and legs, causing him to shout out in pain and alarm, before the fiery creature spoke.

"Of coursssse we're demonssss imbecile," he hissed. "I mean look at usssss. Do we look like kindly ssspiritssss?" The creature laughed again before continuing. "Assss for not hurting you, that issss out of the quesssstion."

As if to emphasise this fact, he tugged hard on the fiery chains, causing Joseph to shriek in agony, as what felt like a thousand knives struck him at once. These chains succeeded in wrapping around his body and causing the repulsive demon to smirk, delighted by the pain he was inflicting. The moment Joseph was fully trapped, the demon turned to his companion.

"Time to go," he said, grinning cruelly. "Our massssster isss expecting ussss."

Just as the two creatures were about to step once more into the swirling black vortex with their terrified prey in tow, one of the demons - the one who constantly shook, saw me shivering by a collection of bins.

"What about her?" He asked the other, pointing at my shaking form. "Sssshe hasss witnessssed our work."

Immediately, the fiery demon turned to face me, his black holes boring into mine.

"We kill her!" He replied casually, as if it was part of his job description. What's more, as if to emphasise his command, I felt as if my entire body was slowly being torn apart, causing me to scream like I had never screamed before.

Then, my whole world went black.


So yes. I had to get Shakespeare in this novel somehow and I think I found a way to do it. I have always greatly admired such a talented play write and am in love with a great number of his plays. Othello is probably my favourite, with Romeo and Juliet second. Then there are the demons to think about. Who are they? Why was Alex witnessing their dirty work?

Book 1: Awakening (The VIth Element Series)Where stories live. Discover now