[ Surprise! ]

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Dedicated to my fellow readers out there, enjoy ;)

Rosemary checked the time watch in her tiny wrist, as the clock ticked 12. It was her lunch break, and swept up her books.

She quietly walked down the MACUSA lobby, and exited the building. Rosemary was immediately in bustling New York City.

Not bothering if anyone wanted her to join them, Rosemary approached a hotdog stall and bought her packed lunch - hotdogs and Coke.

A few moments later, she was munching on the bread of the hotdog, as Rosemary took a sharp turn to her left, towards the book shop.

As the bell jingled her entrance, Rosemary inhaled the scent of parchments and fresh pages of the new copies. She caressed the leather bounding around the book, and walked a bit faster to her favorite section.

Rosemary inched to the shelf at the corner, as a red leather book sat there, waiting to be picked up and bought. She checked her pockets for spare change, but sadly, not enough.

"Miss, do you need that?" Rosemary turned to the person who just spoke, and found him intriguing. "Oh, um, it's okay."

The man shook his head, as his newsboy cap hid his hair, but one thing distinguishable about him was his petty accent, that reminded Rosemary of... "Newt?"

The man first looked at her, confused, until his face changed from slack to puzzled to awe. "Rosemary? Is that my little Rose?"

She couldn't control her sobbing, and embraced his body at once. He gave a slight oof! but hugged her nonetheless. Rosemary sniffled, and sobbed on his shoulder.

"I miss you. I miss you so so much."
"I know. I do, too."
"Stay. I can't afford to lose you again."
"I can't. I want to, but I can't. You know that."

It made her cry even harder.

Newt placed a reassuring pat on her shoulder, as he slowly pulled away. "It's okay, Rose. I'll find time to spend with you, and perhaps, we can get a lot here in New York! How does that sound, huh?" He attempted a smile.

Rosemary sniffed. "I suppose. But.. it's hard." Newt nodded stiffly. "I know. But I have to do this. My book is almost out, already."

Her face lit up. "Really? I've been trying to find it in the bookshops, like this one, but they're always saying "there's no such thing."." She impersonated the voice of the shop owner. Newt laughed silently.

"It's not yet out, but soon." Rosemary tugged at his coat. He looked down, his blue eyes meeting her hazel's. They locked gazes, for a second. A minute. A moment.

"I love you, Rose." He went to go give her a peck on the forehead, and the two held on to each other for moments, moments long that Rosemary didn't care to count.

She then felt herself stiffen, and Newt was gone, no longer in front of her. Rosemary gave a sad smile, when she noticed something in her right palm.

She slowly opened her palm, wondering what was inside. Rosemary almost cried, seeing the small parting gift.

On her palm sat a rosemary, a plant after Rosemary's own namesake. "Thoughtful Newt." She murmured, and exited the shop, skipping slightly her way back.

Whew. I know I haven't updated for so long. Sorry for that. I just finished exams, and I'm now graduating!! Whoop, Whoop! I'm excited already. But today is our last day, and I'll surely miss my classmates. If any of my classmates are reading this, I'll miss you guys.

~ Reyhanne Starkfelt ~

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