Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

*A few hours ago*

Rosemary watched Jacob as he walked side by side, with the Demiguise's paw, or hand, or whatever it was, and Jacob cooed it back to its home. "Back you go." He said softly, with a smile.

Rosemary never had a good interaction with No-Majs, but Jacob was a good example of how they are, and it made her like them fondly.

She walked inside the shack of Newt, to see Queenie looking at the photo of Leta Lestrange. Rosemary smiled sadly, as she turned to Newt.

Newt had removed his coat, and rolled his white sleeves up. He kept on talking to Pickett. "Come on, Pick. You know I'll never give you up." He said, as Pickett seem to glare at him. "Pick, I would rather cut my hand off, than give you up, after all we've gone through. Now give me a smile."

Pickett just made a face at him, and blew a raspberry at Newt. Rosemary laughed softly, as Newt turned to see her. "That's beyond my control, Pickett." He sighed and kept him to his left shoulder and went to Newt.

"Newt." She said, with a hint of sadness tinged in her voice. He looked at her. "Hey, Rose." He said softly, as he leaned forward to touch her pale cheek.

"Newt.. Newt,.." Rosemary searched for the words to say, as Newt tucked a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear and stared at her. "What?"

"Are you really going to leave?"

Newt stopped, but replied. "Yes."

Rosemary's breaths were shallow, and slow. She felt her rib cage rattling behind her chest, and everything hurt.

She'll miss Newt, she loves him. For all she knows, he is the one who makes her happy and makes her feel at home.

It wouldn't be the same without Newt.

Newt realized that she was crying when a tear slipped down on her cheek. "Rose.. Rosemary. Look." He tilted her chin to make her look at him. "What!" Rosemary raised her voice, hurt and anguish filled her voice.

Newt sighed. "Look, I can't stay here. It's different from the Ministry of Magic back in Great Britain. I'm sorry, Rosemary - you can't get attached." His voice was firm, and it hurt Newt to say those words to his Rosemary.

Rosemary's heartbeat almost stopped. "Newt. Newt... I can't. I can't..." She sobbed at his chest, and Newt wrapped his arms around her tiny waist.

"I know." was all he whispered. Rosemary let herself cry freely. She was broken. She was a porcelain vase, broken, and easy to shatter.

First Alex, now Newt. Rosemary wasn't ever going to find the man she loves, right? She thought.

Newt didn't let her go. "Rosemary.. Rosemary.. I love you." He confessed in her ear, as Rosemary held him tight.

"I know."

"I've seen you now, and I can't forget you. Those words speak true to us."

Rosemary nodded solemnly. "I know."

"Are you mad?" A pause.

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