Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
The World Inside A Suitcase

Rosemary felt a gush of wind fly past through and she felt two warm hands envelope her in an awkward embrace.

She immediately knew it was Newt and he set her down on the floor. Kowalski came tumbling after her, but Newt didn't bother to catch him.

Newt immediately went to work, and Rosemary knew at once that his speciality was Herbology.

Rosemary attended Hogwarts too, which is unusual for an American, especially the daughter of a MACUSA member. Rosemary was a Ravenclaw, the wise and witty people.

Rosemary started to ponder. What House was Newt in? She always wondered if he was a Gryffindor, or a Hufflepuff. Definitely not a Slytherin.

Newt was hurrying back and forth, as he checked Kowalski's bite, and turned back to mix some concoctions.

Rosemary started to miss Alex. It was true, she and Alex were indeed a thing, but secretly as not to be known by the wizards from MACUSA.

But strangely after meeting this odd strange man named Newt..., she was torn between the two of them.

Yes, it may seem weird for Rosemary to think already about love, with this stranger she just met today. And she was infatuated with him already.

Newt was busy squeezing something when Kowalski asked. "What is that?"

"It's the venom of the Swooping Evil. It may be dangerous, but if handled correctly, it is a good healing medicine." Newt explained as he mixed it and shook it with force.

Suddenly, an actual Swooping Evil appeared and squawked at Kowalski, who yelped in fear. Rosemary's eyes widened in awe and chuckled.

Newt gave him a small smile. "It looks like it isn't good to do that in here." He retorted with a playful smirk on his face. Rosemary couldn't help it but smile at his expressive face.

Newt then opened the door, and the weather was a big disaster! Rosemary gazed up to where Newt was looking, and almost stumbled in surprise.

"A THUNDERBIRD!?" Rosemary shouted over the rain. The majestic beast was flapping its wings, and it looked beautiful. Rosemary never thought that she would ever see one.

Newt whistled. "Frank? Frank!" He shouted over the thunderous sky. The bird gawked loudly and went to the ground, the rain slowly disappearing.

Newt approached it slowly. "Sh..shh., it's okay, Frank." He hushed the creature, and turned to Rosemary and Kowalski. "Do you mind if you back away a bit? Frank doesn't really enjoy the company of strangers." He said.

Rosemary, who didn't realize that, was startled. "Oh! Of course, Mr. Scamander...," She started to say. "Call me Newt, Ms. Graves." He interrupted Rosemary with a smile.

Rosemary was infatuated with that smile, and she felt a faint blush creep up to her cheeks. "Then it's Rosemary for me." She gave him a small smile, and Newt acknowledged her with another smile.

Rosemary looked away in embarrassment. She very much knew that she was blushing already.

"So.., I guess it's time for feeding the creatures. Mind if you guys helped?" Newt turned to Rosemary and Kowalski, who was busy wondering around in awe, and absentmindedly nodded in agreement. "Great! Now here's the food." Newt threw a bucket in Rosemary's way and she caught it in mid-air. It was a bit heavy.

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