“Oh, and Hunter?”

He sighs. “Yes, Harper?”

“Don’t bother showing up without the food and drink.”

“Yes, Harper. I know, Harper.”


“I’ll be there in six minutes.”

“Make it five and I might share some of my pizza with you.”

I hang up on him. Now, I wait. I sit on my bed, cross-legged, listening for someone to knock on the door. Finally, in less than five minutes, I hear it. I don’t move. The knocking continues.

What if it’s a murderer trying to trick me?

“Harper? I’m here with the pizza!”

I slip off my bed and stand next to my bedroom door. “And the drink?” I call back.


I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. Please let there be no murderer in my house. Please let there be  no murderer in my house.

I open the door for the first time today, bracing myself for an attack, but none comes. Hunter knocks on the door again.


“I’m coming,” I call, walking over and opening the door. As soon as Hunter walks in, I slam the door shut behind him and triple lock it. Hunter watches me with confusion.

“Um… okay…” He looks around. “You still haven’t cleaned up that glass?”

I frown. “I did. I pushed it into the corner.” I step towards Hunter, take the pizza box from his hands, and take the bottle of Sprite. I scurry into my room, Hunter following. He still seems a bit confused.

“What are you doing?” He asks.

I don’t look at him as I sit onto my bed, setting the pizza box down on the blanket in front of me and popping open the Sprite. “Eating. What are you doing?”

“Harper,” Hunter says, making me look up at him with my mouth full of pizza. I swallow as he continues. “Is there something wrong?”

“No,” I say quickly. Too quickly.

Hunter narrows his eyes. “Harper, what’s going on?”

I sigh. “Hunter, seriously, it’s nothing.” I stuff the pizza in my face again. The cheese is just heavenly on my tongue. I close my eyes, my tastebuds pleased. “Mmm, this is good pizza.”

Hunter asks, “Can I have some?”

“No,” I say sharply. Hunter frowns.

“Then why’d I even get it for you if you aren’t going to share?”

I point at him. “That was never the deal.”

A noise comes from the living room, making me choke on my Sprite. Hunter pats my back as I cough. When I’m able to speak seconds later, I ask, “Did you hear that?”

He frowns. “No.”

I get up and put my ear to the door. It’s dead silent. Slowly, I open the door, revealing the living room to be the same as it was before. I let out a relieved breath.

“Okay Hunter, you can go now.” For some reason, having someone else in here makes me feel like I’m being watched by two sets of eyes.

With a puzzled expression, Hunter leaves, but not before sneaking a piece of my pizza. I’ll have to get him back for that later.

I save what I don’t eat of the pizza for later, knowing that I won’t be leaving my room anytime soon. I already have a bathroom, a servant on call to get me food, and a bed. What else do I need besides safety and communication with the outside world?

Just like last night, tonight I keep the lights on and sit up on my bed. I keep myself awake by playing on my phone. I have to keep looking up at the rest of my room, though.

I don’t sleep tonight either.


“I’ll find where I belong

And I’ll find it in a song.”

I stop singing. Even though I’m horrible, it’s what I do to stay sane. I haven’t left my room since three days ago when I got home from Hunter’s concert. Hunter comes over every day after I call him and request food. He hasn’t really said anything about it, but I know that he noticed that I’m acting different and not going with him anywhere. I don’t even feel tired anymore, so I don’t have to try to keep myself awake during the nights. All I’ve had in these three days are pizza, Sprite, water, and a bag of chips. All of the food is gone already, but I’ll call Hunter again soon.

While I’m in the bathroom washing my hands, I swear I hear footsteps from the other room. I just about have a panic attack; my breathing quickens, my pulse races, my head spins, and I curl myself into a ball in the corner of the bathtub. I don’t know how long I stay that way, but when I decide that I’m probably safe again, my body feels a little sore and my feet get pins and needles.

I creep into my bedroom.


On the middle of my bed.

Another note.

You Make Me ▶▶A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction◀◀Where stories live. Discover now