Chapter 37

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I woke up and it was dark out. I was hungry. I slipped on my night gown and kicked off my heels. I quietly opened my door. I didn't have to take down my protection spell because since I made it I was able to go back and through it but no one else could. I tip toed down the hall and down the stairs. Then I quietly opened up the kitchen doors and snuck in. There was a window in the kitchen that provided enough light that I could see perfectly. Suddenly I saw a dark figure. Who's there, I whispered. Then a girl my age appeared. Please don't hurt me I am sorry to intrude I just saw food and I am starving, she said. I got sad. It's fine go ahead and have some food, I said. Really, she asked happily and surprised? Yes please eat till your full, I said. What's your name, I asked. Violet, she said. Nice to meet you Violet my name is Evie, I said. We ate and whispered. Do you have a family, I asked? Yes a mother and a brother, she said. Here take as much food as you want for them, I said. Evie thank you so much, she said hugging me. Your welcome, I said. I gave her a big basket and she filled it with tons of food. Tomorrow come back but go to my window, I said. I gave her directions to my window. She hugged me goodbye and slipped out of the window. I made a huge basket appear in my hand. I threw so much food in the basket it was overflowing. I tip toed out of the kitchen and down the hall. Suddenly I heard someone so I hid. I couldn't see who it was but they soon pasted. I snuck up to my room laid the food basket down and went back to sleep.

Evie Mills ( Evil Queens/Regina and Daniels child)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora