Chapter 34

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Evie's POV

Mom was crying and hugging Robin. I didn't even realize that I was crying too. Emma wrapped her arms around me and I began to cry into her shoulder. Then mom released Robin from the hug and asked him the question we were all wondering. How, she asked? When he struck me with the crystal my soul went up to this weird place and just tonight the God Zeus found me I guess he is Hades brother, anyways, he apologized for Hades killing me and said he saw me sacrifice my life to save yours, so he said that as a gift for helping to defeat Hades he would bring me back to life, Robin said. I don't even care how I am just glad your back, mother said. So am I but I am also tired and I know for sure everyone else it and I need to take all of this in, I said. Everyone agreed. I ran upstairs really fast and ran into my bathroom to cry alone. Then Snow, Emma, and Belle came in. Evie are you in here, Snow asked? Yeah, I said trying to hide that I was crying. Evie are you crying, Belle asked? No, I lied. Evie don't lie please, Snow said. Then someone tried to opened the door but I had locked it. Evie open the door, Emma said. I didn't say anything. Then Emma used her magic to open the door and they came in. Why are you crying, Snow asked running to me. I'm not sad they are tears of joy I just don't like people seeing me cry, I said. Your happy Robing is back, Belle said. I am more than happy because my mother's true love is back and she can have her happy ending now, I said crying. They all hugged me. We went to bed and Bell and Emma were out like a light bulb. Snow are you still awake, I asked whispering? Yeah, she said. Can I talk to you, I asked? She moved on the bed so she was facing me. Yeah what is it, she asked? I mean don't get me wrong I love Robing like a father but I wish I would have got to meet my real father, I said. Evie I am so sorry-, Snow stared. No I don't blame you I never have I do for sure blame my grandmother I just wish I go to meet him, I said. He was very nice and he would be very, very proud of you, she said. Thanks Snow, I said hugging her. Your welcome, she said hugging me back. Then we fell asleep. The next morning Emma woke us all up. Wake up sleepy heads, she said. We are going to be late for breakfast. Everyone got dressed. I put on a purple dress with matching heels. I walked down stairs to the dinning room with Snow, Emma, and Belle. After breakfast I got ready to go to and see grandmother. No one knew that I was talking and spending time with her. Mother I am going out for a bit, I said. Ok but don't be out to long, she said. I won't, I said. Then I walked outside and headed to the garden. I had a basket in my hand. I had a vase in it. Then I picked a huge bouquet of the purple roses me and grandma both loved and stuck them in the basket. Then I began to walk down a path in the woods. Soon I came to a cozy looking little cottage. I knocked on the door. The door swung open to reveal grandma. Grandma, I said hugging her. Hello Evie darling, she said hugging me. Then she ushered me in. I sat down at the table and she place tea in front of me. Thank you grandma, I said taking a sip of the tea. Here this is for you, I said handing her the bouquet of flowers. Evie they are amazing, she said. Then I handed her the vase so she could put the flowers in there. She cut off the ends and stuck the roses in the vase and filled it with water. So grandma guess who came back, I said. Who, she asked curious? Robin, I squealed. She looked at me surprised.

Evie Mills ( Evil Queens/Regina and Daniels child)Where stories live. Discover now