Chapter 11

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After me and mother hand a snack I decided that I wanted to go for a walk in the woods. Mother may I go for a walk in the woods, I asked? Yes but be home a few minutes before the sun goes down, she said. Ok thank you, I said walking to my room. I walked up to my room to get changed. I changed into a light colored purple dress that wasn't so heavy and came close to the ground but didn't touch the ground. I had matching heels on. I love my heels. I swiftly walked down the stairs and out the door. The sun rays hit my face so perfectly and I was warm. I walked down the hill and into the woods. I followed a little path in the forest. Suddenly someone was running and ran straight into me. I fell down hard on my bum. Suddenly the person was saying sorry and helping me up. They began to brush off the dirt on me. No I am fine are you ok, I asked. Yes I am fine, she said. I saw Snow. Snow, I said hugging her. Hey Evie, she said hugging me back. Can you sit I need to talk to you, I said. Sure, she said sitting down. I know why and how my father was killed, I said. Evie I am, Snow started. No it is fine it wasn't your fault it was my grandmothers, I said. But I want you to know that my grandfather tries to talk her out of doing this to you and he finally got threw her head the other day but then grandma came and ruined it, I said. I just want to say on my mothers part I am sorry I just with this all could end, I said. Me too sweetie me too, she said. Then there was a branch snap and Snow took off. Hello dearie, I heard a voice say behind me. I screeched and turned around swiftly. I saw that scaly skinned man again. What do you want, I snapped. Oo a temper like your mother I like it, he said. What do you want, I yelled. O I was just making sure you were ready for the curse, he said smiling. Curse what curse, I asked confused? O dear old mommy hasn't told you yet, he said. No what curse, I asked getting annoyed? Why don't you go asked your mother that question, he said. Then he began to giggle like a maniac and disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke. A curse this is not good and I knew mother was going to create the curse I just knew it. I turned around and began to run home. I needed to ask mother about this curse.

Say your goodbyes to the Enchanted Forest and hello to Story Brooke. Hope you like this chapter:)

Evie Mills ( Evil Queens/Regina and Daniels child)Where stories live. Discover now