Chapter 23

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Evie's POV

I just need to check a few things quick then we can leave, Rumple said. I just nodded. I looked in the glass cases. Then I saw Rumple come out from the back. Ok are you ready, he asked me? I nodded. We walked out of his shop he locked the door and then he walked to his car. He unlocked it and got in. I opened the passenger door and got in. We rode to his house in silence. I may feel safe with Rumple but I also feel awkward. When we arrived at his house I got out of the car and followed him into the house. I'll show you to the spare room, he said. I followed him to a big room. Thanks, I said and walked in. I kicked off my shoes and crawled into bed. I fell asleep but woke up soon after. I went to get up but felt a sharp pain in my right side near my ribs. I got up. Ah, I yelped and fell to the ground. There was a surging pain in my left leg. Rumple can in swiftly. Are you ok, he asked? Yes, I lied I didn't want to look weak in front of him. Evie don't lie to me, he said. Well I- I don't know my right side near my rib hurts really bad and when I went to stand up my left leg hurts really bad too, I said. The spell, he said. What, I asked? Ok those memories of your mother, Emma, Snow, Henry, and Charming hurting you aren't real at first I thought Cora did it but she didn't something in the portal did and until you remember the truth you will start hurting all over where the memories show them hurting you and if you don't remember in a few days you will die, he said. I started to cry. But tonight I will make a potion to make you remember, he said. Thank you, I said. Your welcome, now come on supper in ready, he said lifting me up. He helped me walk to the kitchen. I ate supper and then he sent me to bed. Around midnight he came into my room. Evie wake up, he said shaking me lightly. I woke up groggily. Just drink this and go make to sleep you should remember everything, he said. I did as I was told and it tasted like cherries. Suddenly I blacked out. Memories flooded into my mind and I woke up gasping. Rumple wasn't in the room and it was morning. I got up with no pain and walked to the kitchen. He was in there. I remember, I said. Good, he replied and kept spinning straw into gold. I hugged him. Thank you, I said. Your welcome, he said hugging me back. I am going to go back to mom could you send me there, I asked? He nodded waved his hand and I was in my house. Mom, I yelled. Mom came running down stairs. Evie, she gasped. I hugged her. I remember what actually happened Rumple made me a memory potion and I remember, I said crying. O thank merlin, she said hugging me crying too. It wasn't grandma though something in the portal made my memory go wacky, I said. I don't care what happened I am just glad you remember, she cried. She wiped her tears and then mine. We went to Snow's place. I walked in and everyone looked at me. It's ok I remember the truth, I said smiling. Everyone ran to me and gave me a big hug. After the hug was over I asked mom if I could talk to her alone quick. We walked outside the door. What's wrong, she asked? Well being back at the Enchanted Forest made me miss it and I want to live there not here it isn't ruined it is just like we left it, I said. How about we go talk to the rest of the group and see what they think, she said smiling at me. Really, I said happy? Yep, mom said walking inside. Hey can I get everyone's attention, mom hollered. Everyone looked at her. When Evie went back to the Enchanted Forest she said it wasn't ruined it was just like we left it, and she said she wants to go back there and not live here how many other people would want to leave this place and go back home, she said. Everyone whispered to each other and then Snow stepped forward. We have all talked about it and we have come to an agreement, she said.

Hahhahahah I left off with a cliff hanger. Will they go back to the Enchanted Forest or will they stay. Do you guys want them to stay or go back let me know in the comments. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evie Mills ( Evil Queens/Regina and Daniels child)Where stories live. Discover now